
Virus Help Its a must read!

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Okay well my dad's computer was running fine. Little slow due to some World of Warcraft....which none of us wanted on it. But thats not incredibly important. Anyway all of a sudden a message appears saying his name and that a virus is trying to attack his computer and may have corrupted Windows files. I ran virus checks after virus checks and got some cookies and some adware. I removed that to the extent I know how and restarted. It didnt fix it. When we tried to access the internet the error would come up and then say click yes to download a removal software and then Norton would pop up and say an attempt to access computer was blocked. We took it somewhere and they told us to reinstall windows. I used the repair function instead and we can now get to the internet but then it goes blank but the message no longer pops up. I dont know what to do now. He needs the computer for work and we cant exactly afford a computer overhaul on the thing. What do you all think? Thanks!




  1. You need to back up everything you want to save and do a full reinstall.The repair just doesn't do enough to get things functioning properly.After you reinstall, it will be fine,but you need a little more protection than just norton.

    Run those 2 along with norton and you will have much,much better protection.

  2. Just bakup all of your improtant files and reformat your computer and install a good antivirus and antispyware.

  3. Do a virus scan with Kaspersky or Bitdefender. Norton is almost universally hated and with good reason.

  4. Reformat (reinstall windows) like you were told to...

    Its also funny how "no one wanted World of Warcraft on the computer" so it magically installed itself along with every thing else your computer could find on the net.

  5. Okay this just happen to me today not even 3 hours ago. what you want to do is go to the start menu and type in back up and restore center and go to restore files and restore your computer and it says show more than past 5 days and restore at the farthest day if you need anymore help email me this is what i do and i have vista

  6. Dont ever download anti virus which is poped up on internet, its a fake , ur computer is infected with trojan which tells u ur computer is infected and tells u to dwonload a anti virus which is a virus..

    Run System restore in Start>Programs>accesories>system tools>System restore and restore ur windows to previous worked date...

  7. I got the same POP-UP INVITATION today telling me I had an infection, and to download their program.

    I DID NOT because I already knew it was a hijackting program.

    The nasty program is classified as a "problem application" by Symantec. This culprit reports problems that do not exist in order to force you to buy their product, and it's very hard to get rid of the pesky thing:

    The solution is to get rid of the program.

    You will need removal tools

    A. Symantec instructions

    B. Hijack This

    C. AVAST

    A. Here is Symantec a write-up:

    Important:   you don't need to purchase Norton, as AVAST and excellent FREE anti-virus tool and will clean any virus just fine...

    so I'll give you that info below too.

    Note: When follow the Symantec removal instructions, when you get to the part about disabling System Restore, make yourself a posty note to remember to ENABLE system Restore when you are finished.


    B. Also, look for the culprit program using this tool.

    Use CAUTION as to what you remove.

    Get free anti-hijacking tool

    for any hijack problems you might encounter

    1. The program is called HiJackThis 1.99

    2. Download and run the program

    BE CAREFUL what you delete,

    from it's findings...because

    it will find the offending program

    and others that you may NOT want to delete.

    Only delete the one that hijacked you.


    When all is done, run AVAST

    Avast free Home Edition

    Get it here:

    And please do a "thorough" scan as soon as you get it downloaded. The user interface is simple. Click the left side, and in the top menu that comes up, select thorough scan.

    When it finds a culprit it throws up an alarm, then you DELETE the culprit, (do not quaranteen).

    Then allow it to run all of the time, and you will be completely protected. It will "automatically" update itself, also for free.

    You only need to renew your registration once a year, also free.

    Note: I know of several people who have used AVG and gotten a virus anyway.

    I've tried them all, and have had wonderful results with this one for the last 5 years.


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