
Virus and internet help ?

by  |  earlier

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I have abit of a problem. eveytime I search something on yahoo or Google and I click on one of the links it takes me to another site and I want to nw if that’s a virus or somthin and how can I resolve this problem.

Also what is the best software to use to keep my intrenet safe and to maybe scan my internet and also wats the best antivirus software that you wud recommend that will help to keep my computer safe .




  1. You have a virus, adware, malware on your PC, go to and down load their award winning antivirus 8 free software, it will clear all the bad stuff from your PC. And it really is free, just as good as the paid version

  2. just to say spybot search and destroy 1.6.0 is probably the best software to try. i would also start your pc in safe mode and run it from there (hold f8 on starting computer). Also you could try RegCure. it isnt free but at least it works

  3. You have spyware call hijackers.

    Spybot search and destroy is a free anti-spyware tool that that contains many features to immunize your computer against some spyware.

    Install spybot and scan, remove the spywares.

    Enable advance features - Spybot host file locking is a tool which locks the hosts file to prevent unauthorized changes.

    Locking the hosts file will prevent most hosts hijackers (even unknown) from doing harm;

    Locking the IE settings will prevent other users of your computer to change your preferences.


  4. Get one of these anti-virus listed below.All these anti-virus work very well,they are the leaders in the current market.

    Kaspersky anti-virus:


    MacroVirus anti-virus:


    The Shield Deluxe anti-virus:


    BitDefender anti-virus:


  5. Yeah your browser's probably been hijacked..but not to worry.

    Get a copy of Spyware Doctor make sure you tick the box next to Spyware Doctor before downloading and installing. Update and run it, it should clean your system up for you. Good luck.

  6. If your being redirected to another site yes most likely something has taken over your computer ...install this free virus catcher

  7. It sounds like you`ve had your browser hijacked, it happened to me. I kept getting redirected to various retail sites, i ended up swapping my browser to Firefox, it`s much quicker and i`ve had no problems for over a year now. check this out,

  8. First thing is if you're using Internet Explorer as your browser, immediately download and install Firefox as it's much safer and it's free:

    It'd be a good idea to get anti-spyware and anti-virus software. There are plenty of options, many of them are free. I'm using free AVG software which can be found at:

    Good luck.

  9. Go to and you can get free antivirus software there, you can read reviews on each one and choose which one you want, then download it and do a scan, it will tell you if there is a virus in your computer, it will contain it and ask you what you want to do, which is usually to delete it, i use PC Tools software and i can recommend that.

  10. Yes, you have an infection

    You need to download a number of things and install them.

    .) AVG FREE Anti virus

    .) Spybot search and destroy

    .) Zone Alarm Firewall

    All are free. I included the links because you can't use google.

    Finally, I assume you are using explorer. Well don't

    Get Firefox instead...

    All the best with that!

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