
Virus and spy ware by downloading music!!

by  |  earlier

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my computer has A LOT of virus and spy ware on it.

i bought McAfee virus scan.and it hasn't removed it yet.

i want call the support center but the virus came from downloading illegal music.

what can happen if they find out that i downloaded illegal music?

should i still call?

what should i do?HELP!!!




  1. There is an antiviruses free just for today

    there is a code and you can activate it

    It worth trying it

    You have to activate it right away because it won t let to activate it after the end of the day

    good luck

  2. here download Kaspersky internet security and install and activate the 30day trial and scan your computer then after it finds and deletes whatever junk you may have let it sit till the trial period is up then if you dont like it uninstall it and install a free virus and spyware

    FREE just google and download



  3. koko, I am unaware of music that can give you a virus, at least I know that .mp3 files cannot, not sure about all of the different kinds.

    McAfee does a decent job with virus' but it is a serious system hog.

    I suggest you download and run spybot search & destroy, and run it along side the mcafee you bought. Maybe you need someone to help you use spybot, I don't know how literate you are with this stuff.  go to and do some reading.

    Also, if you find Mcafee is slowing your computer down since you've installed it, you may want to try some better, more efficient virus software such as NOD32 or AVIRA.  Those won't slow down your system like Mcafee does.  Stay away from AVG, some people who don't do much research thinks it's good, but it isn't very effective.

    ***UPDATE***  Files with the extension .mp3 CANNOT contain virus' but if you don't have windows showing you extensions be careful, you may actually be downloading .exe files and don't even know it.  To turn on extension viewing, go up to my computer, click tools then folder options, go to the view tab and then uncheck "hide extensions for known file types".  Now you can see if a music file you download is actually an .MP3

    *update* don't pay any attention to these thumbs down I got, email me if you need help.

  4. Well I hope you learned a lesson, never buy McAfee again, it doesn't work very well.

    Please uninstall McAfee and then download a free 30 day functional trial of Kaspersky Anti-virus:

    Run a full scan and enjoy your clean computer.

    I really suggest that you buy it if you like p2p, and for everyone's information mp3 files can contain viruses.  

  5. mp3 song files can ask you to download a codec, u push agree and you have virus in computer.... so yes downloading songs can infect your computer

  6. download superantispyware and run that......also download avast 4.8 and run that.....then dowload cc cleaner and run both scans that come with should be good as new after running them

  7. your computer has a lot of virus and spy ware---then what is McAfee doing??please get a good anti virus software.

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