
Virus help!?

by Guest65617  |  earlier

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i got the trojan virus and i got windows onecare and the virus isnt bothering me but my comp is running slow and i want to flush out all the c**p its left in my system.

how can get the virus completly off my comp and make my comp run faster?




  1. u know wht type of trojan it is? it would be easier to remove it if u knew.... but if u have the trojan.zlob then here is the link to remove it -

    Otherwise for more info u could go to this site

  2. you will need to

    1) uninstall un needed programs

    2) uncheck un needed entries from windows startup

    3) run temp  files and registry cleaner

  3. i have had the trojan virus multiple times  you need to get norton internet security it fixes it easily if you dont want to buy get the trial it works great

  4. get mcafee

    you can download it off of

    it works super good.

    you can also go to and download avgfree 8.0

    that will help get rid of virus's

    try that after mcafee.

    it will help everything. is a website that lets you download anything without getting ANY sort of virus. so i suggest you go there if you download any other sort of virus free program or anything

  5. well here are your options

    1. wipe out your computer with the rebooting disc

    2. spend some money and buy a virus protection norton recomended

    email me if yo have more problems

  6. just remove the unwanted programs you have and and scan the critical areas and the rookit area with the help of a newly registered anti-virus programme like Mcafee or kaspersky and probably norton's latest edition!!!
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