
Visa from Mexico to the United States?

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How hard is it for a Mexican citizen to get a visa (or whatever they call it) to visit the United States.

One reason for the questions is because of all the immigration debates. People talk about illegal Mexican immigrants and say that they accept immigration but only if it’s done legally. This makes sense but when it comes down to it I heard that Mexicans are almost never granted visas to legally enter the united states, which leads them with no other choice but by entering illegally.




  1. Very hard.

    Well, I'm mexican; but charlie lives here and knows México well enough.

    It is TRUE, it is very hard (and expensive) to get a visa (we say "visa" too, by the way).

    I have tourist visa, but I know some people (not poor people) that they didn't give visa. They never give a reason. If a young person (it doesn't matter if you are boy or girl) asks for visa, it is harder (they assume this persone wants to work in USA). One week ago, a friend of mine (a girl) went to consulate to RE-NEW the visa (she already had visa!) 'cause she wanted to visit a sister in USA, legal resident. They said NO, the consul said to her that he doubts she were actually living in México, that she must be living in USA ilegally; but she lives and works here. Her problem, we think, is that she is 29 years old, single and lives with her parents; so, they assume (in consulate) she wants to go to USA; but here in México it is normal to live with your parents if you are single, no matter the age (cultural differences).

  2. It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE for a Mexican citizen to get a B2 tourist visa to visit the United States.  The application process is long, the fee is $131 USD.  They have to get a Mexican passport first...about $100USD.  Then they have to travel to Mexico City to the Embassy ,or to one of the consulates in Mexico...this can cost several hundred dollars.  They have an appointment for an interview, but there are hundreds of people in it takes hours.  The interview is literally 1 or 2 minutes, and the great majority of the time the answer is "No."  even wealthy Mexicans that have had visas in the past, travelled to the U.S. and returned when they were supposed to, are being denied new visas when they apply.  I recently helped the 16 yr old son of my good friends to prepare hs application .. I wanted to take hm to the U.S . with me when I go back for a visit with my family...he knows  2 of my grandsons...and I would like him to meet others...and I wanted to take him to some great museums, etc.  He is an excellent student in his high school and wants to be an archeologist.  I wrote the letter they told me to write stating that he would be with me every minute, exactly where we woud be, proof of my income, all the info they asked for.  We spent over $500.00 getting his paperwork and going to Mexico city  as cheaply as possible.  He was denied a visa...the embassy will NOT give a reason...but they are just afraid the applicant will not return to Mexico...esp. if they are young, male, from a poor family.    But, like I said, even wealthy people are being denied.  It really is nearly impossible.  I think things are being done backwards.  The law should crack down on the illegals and give visas to the law-abiding people who try so hard to do things properly.

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