
Visa requirements for Shang Hai?

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My friend is going to New Zealand for Christmas, and doing an over-night stop-over in Shang Hai. Does she need a visa for this? Or is it one of those places that you can pay for the visa when you arrive? She is travelling on a British Passport by the way. Thanks!




  1. no, get one of those cheap boat trips in a container, i hear its crowded, but there is good chance of success. There is no paperwork required for this, just tell her to take alot of food and wter and maybe a life jaket

    good luck and god speed

  2. check with travel agent but think she needs a visa, the only place brits do not need a visa is Hong Kong.

    Took me a week last time i got a visa for china so allow time for it

  3. Need a visit visa for China before arrival L visa is visit and G visa is transit.  Your friend must check which one with the Chinese Embassy because it will depend on the exact travel plan.  Need to apply in plenty of time - check out the local waiting time.

    The following gives the forms and cost but your friend will have to look up her nearest Embassy

  4. A visa is required to visit Shanghai as required by the Chinese Immigration Office.  Anyway, the visa is easily granted by presenting photos and passports to the embassy.

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