
Visa to visit uk for holiday from luxor egypt?

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my friend wants to visit me for a holidy in uk from egypt in july for 10 days please he is welcome at my house.




  1. You will find this quite difficult to achieve & i wish you good luck trying. He will have to go to the British Embassy in Cairo, with an application form, fee, passport, letter of invitation, Bank statements (with money in), & some confirmed relationship to you. For more info look at the website

    Word of warning, there are men out there who just want to use you (or any woman) for entry Visa, money  etc etc................This is why they make it so hard fron Egypt & other places, better for you to visit him.

    Please be careful, theyr really good actors, if any doubt walk away.

  2. Hi Skippy, your friend will be able to apply for a visa, he will need to go to the British Embassy in Cairo. He will need to take with him various documents. These should include an invitation from you and where he will stay - in this case at your home. In your invitation you should state that your home is of suitable size to accomodate your guest. (For example you may say that you have a 3 bedroomed house, with 2 bedrooms occupied by yourself and your family (say who they are, like hubby, son, daughter, parent whatever) and that you have a guestroom. You should say that he is your friend, and you can add that he showed you around Luxor and you would like to show him around your home country.

    They will also be interested in how your friend will pay for his visit. He should take his bank statements showing a good balance - enough to support him for his 10 day visit, and his airfare. This in total for 10 days should show a clear balance of between £700 -1,000 - or the equivalent in LE.

    The Embassy will also need proof of your income (I know this is unfair - but its what is required), and proof that your friend's job in Egypt and evidence that he will return to Egypt after his holiday.

    You can get more information on what is need to be proved and documents needed with his application on the government website. Just put in UK visa in the search engine and you will find the website.

    Good luck, I hope that he gets to visit.


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