
Vision Problem and DMV Requirements?

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I went to the DMV a few weeks ago to renew my license, and I had to take an eye test. Well, I failed it. I basically have 20/70 vision overall, with 20/70 in my right eye. They didn't text my left. So now I have to see an eye doctor to get my eyes checked out, and get glasses.

Now, first time I have gone through this. Ill just get tested, and Ill get lenses, and glasses right? Then the California DMV should let me drive? I am scared to lose my license!




  1. Go to an Optomitrist or Opthalmosist and they should be able to get you a prescription for a set of glasses to get you up to the minimum requirements to get a license, generally 20/40 or better.

    The DMV will then put a contition/code on your license that you must wear corrective lenses when driving.

    I have 20/30, but can "squint" and (temporarely) have 20/20 and while I wear contacts, have been able to keep the corrective lenses condition off my license.

  2. Go to an optomaligist  They are eye doctors that don't have glasses for sale and if you dont need glasses they will give you a letter  mine did

  3. Pass the test wearing your glasses or contact lenses and they will give you back your license. They may mark it with a restriction that you must wear corrective lenses while driving.  

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