Does this mean blurry vision? Is it something you can blink away? Are there spots or pain? Does this happen whenever the diabetic is hyperglycemic? Ketoacidotic? Or does it go away once diagnosed? I don't know if Gina ever had blurry vision when first diagnosed and she'll never remember. But she's not great at recognizing highs and if this is recurring, it might help her if I point out to tell me when her vision is blurry. Pointing out symptoms she's probably having is how we got her to recognize lows (shakiness, sweaty, starving). She's great at that now... thanks to you I might add. It was someone's idea here to go about it that way.
And... Is "blurry" the right word to use for a 6-year old child? Or is the actual thing just funky for lack of a better word and blurry is the best way to describe it? She's type 1.