
Visitation agreement content?

by  |  earlier

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Okay...I decided to not visit my father anymore for personal reasons, and since I'm only 15, he said if I really don't want to, I can write an agreement on paper that he and I sign, and he won't pick me up anymore..Now, I'm curious if I should add anything else so there is no loop holes..

I, ______, will not visit my father, _____, starting *date* and will not visit him until I contact him. Until then, I will be living with my mother, ______, .

Then signatures here..

Now, do I need anything else so there isn't any loop holes?




  1. Do your parents have a divorce action already started or finalized?  If they weren't married, do they have another kind of case, usually called a paternity case?  If so, it would be better to put it into a stipulation, file it and make it an order with the court.  if there is a legal case out there, visitation will affect the amount of child support.  

    If there is no legal case out there, maybe you're dad is just trying to cover his butt, in case you or your mom come back and say that he never wants to visit you or something.  in that case, he'd be able to say, this was my child's idea, and I agreed.  

    If there isn't a legal case, maybe the written agreement would be okay, remember to date it and your signatures, keep a copy for yourself.  

  2. All this really isnt necessary at all but it sounds like Dad is doing this to cover his butt for some reason, but if he wants it so be it. You need to put in it that youre doing it voluntarily and under no coercion to do so, that this in no way shape or form reflects any opinions of your mother. You will continue all other contact with Dad outsde of physical visits such as phone calls, letters, etc. Add any unforeseen future problems arising from this will be discussed by all parties involved. This should just about cover your butt here

  3. Ask the legal system what the proper agreement would be and how to word it properly so something cannot be taken out of context.

  4. You are a minor; and no contract that you sign is legally enforceable.

    Your father, incidentally, is making me feel nauseous:  Such lunacy in expecting you to compose and sign some ridiculous agreement as this!

  5. add a second page and put down exactly why u don't want visit him. and have him sign it.

    if u think it would cause some problems if u do so don't add it.

    in these days even parents take there kids to court.

    speaking from experience.

  6. You are 15 years old and cannot enter into a legally binding agreement.  Your father is terribly misguided to ask you to do such a thing and I'm pretty certain that he knows it won't hold an ounce of legal weight.  You need to talk to your mom.  If you really want to do this, she needs to file a motion in court for a modification to the existing custody/visitation order.  You will be given an opportunity to voice your wishes during the hearing.  Or, if your father is agreeable as you say, he can simply sign the agreement with your mother and it can go through the court.  Please take a moment to think before you do this, though.  Unless your father is abusive or mistreating you in some way you should at least try to maintain a relationship with him on some level.  You might not visit him as often as the order states, but could at least keep in contact and visit reasonably often.

  7. Yeah, you need an attorney.

    I'm not sure that just your wishes will be valid, especially if dad has always paid child support and visited with you regularly.

    You need an attorney.  Does your mom have one who can advise you?

    My advice is don't sign anything . . . until you have talked with an attorney.  Laws vary state to state.  You need an attorney who practices in your state to advise you.

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