
Visiting Australia?

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Hi All,

My wife and I are planning a week visit to Australia (would like longer but cant due to work) we would appreciate any insight into where to go. I have always thought Sydney was the place to go but from what I have read here and other places there are a lot more choices out there. We kind of would like a relaxing stay...not sure if that helps any. Thanks for any help you can offer.




  1. Sydney is good, but June is probably one of the better times to see Queensland (a rather large state), as during winter the costal areas are very pleasant, also typically Queensland has the dry season at this time, so you should get lots of blue skies as sometimes it does not rain for months. The coastal areas (Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Cairns/Port Douglas) are very nice at this time of the year, and it somewhat depends on how much city vs natural environment you want to see etc.

  2. Gee, it's a long way to come for only a week. If you're looking for a relaxing holiday in a warm place, then Queensland is the place to go. We have many islands and on-shore resorts in beautiful locations and one of them is sure to be what you're looking for.

    Start with:

    or perhaps: If you have the money and are looking for something really special, look at sailing in the Whitsundays - it's Paradise on Earth.

    If you don't want something quite so relaxing, then Sydney is probably the best place to go, particularly as you'll fly into there and won't need to spend a day or more of your precious week simply travelling to some other location. Sydney is a great place with plenty of things to do and see like the Opera House and the magnificent harbour and surf beaches (some of which you can get to on a normal commuter ferry), but apart from those things, it's really just another large, modern city, albeit a beautiful one.

  3. Australia is vaste and so many places. Up North is the tropics. It depends on what time of year you come and what you want to see. I think Sydney has the most beautiful harbour in the world and you could fill in a week very well exploring Sydney, but yes so many choices of such diverse scenery . You could choose to fly into Brisbane and stay on the GoldCoast Here there is a huge amount of Accomodation ,beaches, theme parks. great shopping . hinterland. Or you can choose Cairns where you can see the great barrier reef and rainforests. Darwin I love it.  here you can discover the out back, crocodiles a tropical city which is quite different to our other cities very laid back and some very interesting trips from here. Melbourne is great in summer it's getting a bit cold down there now but to hire a car here and tour the great ocean road is wonderful. The City Of Perth is lovely rather isolated from the rest of the country but a wealthy city due to the mining industry. So what ever you choose you should have a super week .

  4. Coming to Australia for one week, I suggest you only visit the one city otherwise it will be so fast paced you'll miss everything.

    If you're after a beach holiday visit the Gold Coast, its warmer in winter and its a relaxing holiday.

    Being June you would probably cross out Melbourne as its quite cold in winter, though if you're after a shopping holiday don't let the weather stop you.

    For a traditional tourist holiday where the weather is mild to cool then stick with sydney.

    These websites may help you:

  5. In June consider Cairns and Port Douglas, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Whitsundays Islands, Broome. Sydney is fun and a truly great city but will be quite cold and not necessarily relaxing.

    1 week is very short, remember it usually takes a couple of days to get over the jet lag. Plan to visit only one location.

  6. Where are you coming from?  Keep in mind that you'll have jet-lag to deal with, so an area that's kind of laid back might be your best bet, but it would depend on how well you and your wife handle long-distance travel.

    I think the suggestions about QLD are good ones - especially in June.    Sydney and Melbourne aren't exactly warm at this time of year, and it will be even colder in another 2 months,  so I would pick a warm spot and just relax.

    Brisbane average temps:

    Average Temperature (C)

    Summer (Dec/Feb) 20-28 C  (60 - 82 F )

    Autumn (Mar/May)  15-25 C   (59 - 77 F )

    Winter (Jun/Aug)  11-21 C    (51.8 - 69.8 F )

    Spring (Sept/Nov) 15-25 C   (59 -77 F)

    Sydney weather :

    I hope this helps... and that you enjoy your trip !

  7. I think the first two have given good answers and all I can add is HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY  ///////

  8. June is winter so id suggest Queensland where its warm. a week is such a short time in such a big country so i would just pick one spot and stay there and do day trips

  9. If you wish a relaxing stay beaches etc Queensland Coastal Area is best as we are in Autumn at the moment and temperatures are cooler down south. You can visit an offshore Island say Hamilton Island just of the Queensland Coast.I come from Sydney and if you dont want beaches (which we have a lot of but its a bit cold to enjoy) Sydney offers more in the way of Sights, Ferries,Opera House, Darling Harbour,Zoos,Aquariums and a large choice of Hotels and Dining Facilities as we are the largest City in Australia.It really depends on what you wish to do.Sydney also has a interlinking rail/ferry and bus services that will take you where you wish to go.If choosing a touring holiday of Coast in Queensland you will need transport.Have a great Holiday and Welcome to Aussie.
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