
Visiting Brighton -what "must dos" can you recommend me?

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its been some years now since I was there, can you recommend me three must dos which will make the trip much nicer?





  1. must wear anti-stab vest.

  2. Devil's d**e, the pier. Watch out for the g**s.

  3. Dont: Firstly there will be many £1.00 coins on the pavements, dont bend over to pick them up as many tourists have tried. they are stuck to the pavement with glue! Why? lets just say if your gonna try put a cork up your butt first!!!

    (its just a joke!!!!)

    Do: Visit the Pavilion.

  4. Get a copy of Robert Rankin's 'Brightonomicon'!

  5. Do get a return ticket.

    Do remember the way back to the station.

    Do remember to never go again.

  6. the pavilion

    the pier

    open top bus trip from seafront to devils d**e (on a nice day)

  7. It really depends on what your interests are and how long your staying for and also the weather.

    If you like the tacky side of things then the pier is right for you.

    I personally like The Lanes, North Lanes to walk around and mooch around the shops and checking out the history.

    What about taking lunch to the pavillion gardens and taking in the atmosphere in the grounds of the Pavillion and the Dome..

    Just the walk along the seafront is good enough for me and if you roller blade then take them with you.

    The marina can be good fun where there are lots of restaurants and bars, some over looking the marina and boats. There is also a cinema, bowling ally and casino there.

    You can if your interested and weather permitting go on a fishing trip, a few beers and head out to sea.

    There are many restaurants which are worth trying out. One being Terre a Terre which is a vegetarian restaurant in East Street which is known as one of the best in the UK and used to be a favourite of Paul McCartney when he was still living here.

    Moshi Moshi a lovely sushi restaurant in The Lanes is worth checking out as well.

    If you want nightlife but not the young tacky side of things then avoid West Street and head down to some of the bars on the lower promenade or into the Lanes again.

    If you walk along the seafront in Hove there is a chance to see Norman Cook and Zoe Ball as they often stroll along.

    If you like a bit of action then you could always do a bit of windsurfing, kitesurfing etc which is done on Hove Lagoon if your a novice or you could go out at sea in Hove or nearby Shoreham Beach.

    Take the number 77 bus from the Clock Tower in Brighton to Devils d**e which go every 30 mins in the summer, it takes you right up the top on the south downs. There is a restaurant up the top which is ok for food, i prefer for a short walk from there to Poynings to eat in the Royal Oak, great food, though you then have a walk back up the hill, if your not in any rush then check out the views as you come back up.

    There is something for everyone and if you like history then how about a tour of the Royal Pavillion??

    Email me with anything you'd like to know.

  8. Have a look at what users of the Enjoy England website have said about their 'Best days out in Brighton' -

    Have a great time.

  9. 1. The Pier.

    2. The rides.

    3. The rock.


  10. pier

    go to north and south lanes


    yo sushi.

    the train station

    the marina

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