
Visiting Paraguay Ciudad del Este?

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I will in the Iguazu Falls area for 48 hours. Would like to visit the Ciudad del Este just to fulfill my curiosity (not shopping) and maybe try some food.

How much time I should prepare for this, including time on bus/custom?

What time do those stores usually open/close?

Any other tips about Ciudad del Este is appreciated.




  1. What is your nationality? If you are a U.S. or Canadian citizen you will need a visa to enter Paraguay, even for a short visit. You will also need a visa if you're going to Brazil.

    CIudad del Este is a very dangerous city and it is known worldwide for its activities in money laundering and media p****y (illegal duplication of videos and music albums).

    Please be careful when using your credit card, debit card and also using cash in public. The crossing usually takes some time as vendors from both Paraguay and Brazil are crossing the border to sell and buy goods.

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