
Visiting SPAIN...?

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im planning to visit madrid,seville,gibralta,tolido and coste del sol in september.i would like to know the major attraction in those places and what are the cheap buys there (example argentina got cheap leather)and the hotspots and if one can find cheaper desighner clothing... thanks...




  1. dont spend so much time in madrid, it's not very 'special' for me,  it's just like other european cities. (i prefer barcelona)

    toledo is a small town south of madrid, 1 hour by car.  There is a town called Segovia at the north of madrid, very very nice too. personally i prefer Segovia to toledo.

    Dont miss Granada! granada is the best thing in Spain (for me).  Go and see alhambra (need to line up early in the morning coz they set quotas for visitors). it's worth seeing it!  If u go to Granada, after visiting Alhambra, take a bus to the villages around. You can see the whole view of alhambra with sunset., sometimes there are gypsy singing when the sun is setting, very nice.

  2. Hi!! If you are visiting Spain and if you´re going to be there all september, you can´t leave without visiting Sevilla, Granada and Córdoba; probably the three most beautiful cities.

    Spain is plenty of amazing places to visit. I bet you´ll have a great time there!!

  3. The attractions in spain can be all too breathtaking.  In Madrid visit the historic Plaza da Mayor and the Creaciones Velasco, and the breath taking Museo del Prado as well as the Puerta de Sol.  Don't pass up the Gilbraltan tour to see the tip of the neigherboring country.  Seville can be a place for lots of interesting finds such as keep sakes and ornaments.  The fortress of Alhanbra is also a must see.

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