
Visiting friends in Ireland during Summer.Need to buy gifts for the many teenagers Whats HOT items now there?

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I know everything is there already..though pricey at times..What is a good item from here, hard to get there etc... (Except electronics unless they are compatible). Ages 10-17 boys mostly.. 2 girls -12 & 16(no makeup)Cant wait for ideas




  1. for the boys, get them American football stuff

    for the girls, get cute little trinkets

    we do have pretty much everything here so some American stuff would probably go down well :)

  2. get them something small but rememberable like an original

  3. anything wit a designer label will do. DnG is hot

  4. get the boys something to do with sports and the girls ROXY (clothes) that is and was a big craze when i was in ireland which was last year

  5. the best thing you can do is buy kids jeans ( especially teenage girls) stuff like levis is about a third of the price in the states as they are here, just call and get the kids sizes first!!.. boys will probably like American soccer jerseys,  ( LA Galaxy shirts etc) because American soccer is very interesting ti European kids because Beckham is gonna play there this year, Irish kids sren't really baseball or football fans but a lot like basketball, so those shirts could be a good idea....generally though, get them something that any teenager would appreciate, because kids are kids no matter where you go

  6. I agree, the boys probably would appreciate some sort of American sports gear or even some Nike/ Adidas tops and stuff as they are waaayy more expensive here than they are in the usa! The girls might like some American Eagle/ Abercrombie stuff as that is a big craze here at the moment with teenagers! Hope these helped! Enjoy your trip ;-)

  7. Good question. You can get more-or-less anything over the Internet these days, no matter where you live. (They have different kinds of candy bars in the US than in Ireland, but that's kind of small....) T-shirts with a US-specific design on the front would be OK, if you know their sizes. (Suggest something non-comical, because humor doesn't necessarily translate from one culture to another.)

    CDs are no good, because most kids download music. But anything to do with rap or African-American culture would be cool with Irish kids.

    Sports stuff? (Depending on what they're into.)

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