
Visitors from outer Space?

by Guest66958  |  earlier

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I popped out late one night to entice some hedgehogs with milk and bread and entertain the cute little Blighters with a stunning Frankie Avalon dance and song set, when an almighty humming noise cracked through the skies. Fearfully looking up I saw. . . a Spaceship!

Spike, the eldest of the Hedgehogs promptly whipped out the camera feed via his Mobile Phone, when suddenly up I shot through the air at the speed of light and found myself in the ship itself!

Too scared to move and astounded by the sheer vastness of the Ships Interior, my fears were swiftly allayed as the most beautiful Woman I ever saw approached me, her stunning body caressing the flimsiness of the transparent Garment she wore.

"Welcome Earthling, you have being chosen to Mate and sire a new Race of Beings with us Women, for all our men folk are Sterile. Will you do us the Honor Mighty Earth Man?" She looked at me mischieviously.

"Yes" I said with all the Manliness I could muster, and was led to a room full of equally Stunning Alien Women. . . . at this point I fell out of my bed upsetting the Chamber Pot and my wife who promptly hit me about the head and stated this was the third time this month I had made a frightful mess of her nice clean Bed sheets with my Wet Dreams.

Question? Should I be having wet dreams in the twilight of my life?




  1. loool

  2. The best ever LOL!!!

  3. lay off the jim beam lol

  4. LOOOL!!!


  5. loool seriously you are hillarious



    just very weird

  6.   Cool man cool.

  7. Wet Dreams are a great way of getting the stress relief that your body desires, just because your in the twilight of your life doesnt mean you shouldnt get them.Enjoy them, and maybe help her change the sheets.

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