
Vista Antivirus 2008: Why Can't I delete shwapi.dll and wininet.dll?

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I've got that bad Vista Antivirus 2008 virus installed on my computer. I've gotten rid of a great deal of the stuff through various ways from tips I got from yahoo and just my own trying out stuff. But now I've come to two evil files: shwapi.dll and wininet.dll. I try to delete them but I get that dumb: "blah blah blah you can't delete this its being used by another person or program" message. So I use unlocker, and unlock, but then a screen comes up (well a little box) and it says something about memory error and it starts a countdown and then after about 40 seconds my computer restarts. Why is this happening? What else can I try to delete them? Please help me!




  1. I find the instructions in the link from the other poster unintelligible and potentially dangerous. But that's my opinion.

    Do yourself a favor and get a reliable antivirus/anti-spyware program such as Norton Antivirus 2008. At the moment, buy . com offers this product for $15 with a free 2 GB flash drive. Not only will that product remove the malware that lives in your computer, it will also protect you from new ones. Because once you remove this one, a new one may occur at any time.

    Reinstalling everything after running into an unrecoverable system is much more work and you may lose important data.

    Keep your operating system up-to-date. Microsoft includes a malware detection tool with every monthly windows update.

    Good luck.

  2. Your computer is infected with rogue antispyware called Vista Antivirus 2008. Download and run rogue antispyware removal tool from

  3. Try this,follow the directions exactly.

  4. the files you are trying to delete are legitimate windows system files, therefore you can not delete them. If you have doubt that they are infected, then open the command prompt and type

    sfc /scannow

    press Enter

    you will be asked to insert the windows installation/ recovery disk , do that and wait till it completes. This process checks all the windows system files and replaces them if they are altered.

  5. if i get it right, the manual removal isn't going well. so i recommend running antispyware. if you don't have antispyware on your computer, i recommend malwarebyte's antimalware

    it's free and easy to use.

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