
Vista or XP? why is Vista so c**p and nothing runs with it?

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Vista or XP? why is Vista so c**p and nothing runs with it?




  1. i know i cant use some programs on vista - i think cause its a new software and all other programs are outdated for it (for example mobile phone software ect..)

  2. Why do most people now a days think Vista is "c**p"?

    The thing is... near enough everything WILL run with it will a little help... now thanks to the release of SP1 (Vista service pack 1), most programs will work with it. And if not, a hotfix can be requested from microsoft anyway that will patch the problem. I am now multibooting Vista, XP, MAC OS X 10.5 and Linux and to be honest I believe tha the most stable is Vista... MAC would be second as I love the way you install programs... its more of a drag and dropping a portable program into the applications folder which saves time. THEN, it would be XP. If you multiboot, you can have all of the operating systems you want on the same machine, meaning IF... the time comes... that you need XP for something, just reboot and boot into XP... easy as. It is very simple to set up and many guides can be found helping you do this.

    Hope this helps

  3. I have a pal who likes to be up-to-date and modern. He bought a new

    system with Vista on it.  As soon as he found out none of the expensive

    software he'd bought  for his prior system would  work  with it, he

    packed the d**n thing up and exchanged it  for  a system they had

    with XP still in-stock.  Unfortunately  many people will simply go out

    and fork over the money for all  new versions of their old applications and

    it won't be  too long  before everyone's XP will  become as clunky as

    the '98 I'm  still using and will continue using until it no longer works--

    at which point, I will not be using  computers anymore at home.

    Down with the Evil Empire!

    Down with obligatory "upgrades" (usually  meaning

    enhancements for marketers to  track your buying/shopping/

    interests  as near as I can figure)!

    Down with  forced obsolescence  of perfectly good

    hardware and it's attendant  software!

    Down with conspiracies to restrain  fair trade in

    things we paid a lot of money for and which would  have

    good resale value  if it weren't  being systematically

    rendered  useless by evil conspiracy which OUGHT

    to be being  prosticuted--if the dimwits in positions

    to  do this sort of thing weren't so  overburdened

    with prosticutions  predicated on  some sort of "rights"

    pertinent to some  group identity being "violated"

    And the answer to your question is:  Why  should you  get

    obscenely rich X1  when  you can become obscenely rich

    over and over and over again (if the "traffic" will  bear it,

    and evidently there is  a never ending supply of money

    when it comes to  rewarding those who  dress-up industrial

    sabbotage as "improvements")

  4. Because that's tech these days. They can't do thing right. There's loads of people working on them trying ot make it better for what?

    They can't even get vista right and it meant to be the best.Yea what

  5. Because Bill Gates invented it.

    Get a mac instead! That's what he's trying to copy.

  6. thats because microsoft is in a transition phase to 64 bit to clean out the NT API layer, samething that happenned to Apple a few years back so stick with it, it works fine for all of us.

  7. I prefer XP, but the main problem with Vista is that not everything is compatible with it. Any new software/hardware that comes out should be compatible and run fine

  8. vista its no c**p. and a lot of software run with vista. i got my vaio with vista home premium and i download lots of programs. never got a problem with it,you say so 'cause you haven't try vista.

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