
Visual Aid Ideas Wanted!!! This is An SoS!?

by  |  earlier

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I need help for this BIG project for my History class...45% of my entire grade!!!!!! I have no ideas




  1. What type of visual aids do you want. Depending on the progect's topic you could use maps, photos, drawings, or make a model of something (like if you're doing a progect on Egypt you could make a model pyramid) or you could also use overhead's or even a powerpoint presentation or a video.

  2. You'll have to give us more to go on.  What is the project?

  3. Great time period!

    Make a collage on poster board of different "newly" invented machines that were used to make mankind’s work easier during the time period.

    Use a tri-fold poster board (used for science projects) and display a few select machines and short caption of their significance during the time period.

    Draw a time line showing the inventions as they came along during the industrial revolution, or just list the inventions if you don't want to draw.

    Bring in a suitcase of products made possible by the industrial revolution. Open the case and reveal them to the audience one at a time.

    You could make a series of posters showing each invention or significant occurrence and reveal them one at a time from an easel for the audience.

    Or, have a series of pictures (even printed from online images) and display them on a "clothesline" around the room for a gallery walk.

  4. what's the project on?

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