
Vitamin D supplement for breastfed babies?

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the packaging doesn't say how much to give, but the dropper has only 1ml marked on it. is that how much I should give my newborn? or does weight and age matter? if so, how much do you give a 9-10lb 4-day old?




  1. You give 1ml once a day.

  2. The recommended dosage for all babies who are exclusively breastfed is 1ml per day.  

  3. I live on vancouver island, so we dont get as much sun as most people do, when I had my son, I tried the vitamin D drops and it was nasty. Take your baby out in the sun every day and you wont have a problem. Even if its rainy out, take him out and do something so he sees daylight.

  4. I strongly agree that YOU should be the one supplementing Vit. D and NOT the baby, esp. if you are breastfeeding. Baby gets everything he/she needs from breast milk. If you feel you are lacking in Vit. D, or a doctor has told you your infant is lacking, then consider sunlight as the best possible source for both you and baby (altho' be careful how long you're out with baby) and fish is a close second.

    Fortified foods represent the major dietary sources of vitamin D, as very few foods naturally contain significant amounts of vitamin D.

    Natural sources of vitamin D include:[1]

    Fish liver oils, such as cod liver oil, 1 Tbs. (15 mL) provides 1,360 IU

    Fatty fish species, such as:

    Herring, 85g (3 oz) provides 1383 IU

    Catfish, 85g (3 oz) provides 425 IU

    Salmon, cooked, 3.5 oz provides 360 IU

    Mackerel, cooked, 3.5 oz, 345 IU

    Sardines, canned in oil, drained, 1.75 oz, 250 IU

    Tuna, canned in oil, 3 oz, 200 IU

    Eel, cooked, 3.5 oz, 200 IU

    One whole egg, 20 IU

  5. talk to your peditrician before giving a newborn any supplements! He/she will advise you on how much to give

  6. My son is 4 weeks old and i breastfeed exclusively and my doctor gave me Poly-Vitamin Drops the day i left the hospital to give to him daily and it is 1ml and it says to give all at once. But my bottle doesn't say anything about weight and age matter, sorry.

  7. You don't have to give any at all! Just let the baby hang out in the sun for a few minutes.

  8. None at all, under most circumstances.

    Babies don't usually need any vitamin supplements.  Your milk provides everything they need EXCEPT vitamin D .. and a few minutes of sunlight each day should provide the necessary vitamin D.

    If you opt to give supplements (and baby will take them), then you will need to check with the pharmacist for dosage, if it doesn't say on the package.

  9. I wouldn't give a baby that young any kind of supplement!  Any nutrients a baby needs is more than adequately supplied by your breast milk, so I would have thought.  If YOU are low on Vit D, then you need to take the supplement, not the baby.  Is there a reason you want to give him/her Vit D?  In any event, I would definitely check with your health care nurse or at least the pharmacist before giving baby any vitamins.

  10. in Canada it's a standard health guidline for all breastfed babies that they should be given 400mg of vitamin D daily. Apparently it's the only vitamin that there isn't enough of found naturally in breast milk.

    If the suplement you are talking about is called D Vi Sol then yes it is the full piper of 1 ml you need to give your baby. I found it a litle tough to administer this as my baby either dribbled it out or spat most of it up! I can highly recomend Baby D Drops though since you need to give a single drop to the baby -a lot easier!!

  11. All the nutrients a baby needs is in your breastmilk. I threw the supplements away.

  12. If you are taking in enough D vitiam then the baby shouldn't need it. But if it was recommended then call up a pharmacy and ask what dosing should be.

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