
Vitamin D3 supplements for bearded dragons: how much do I give them?

by  |  earlier

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I'm preparing to care for a bearded dragon, I've been doing research for something close to two years, so this is no impulse. :) I'm fully prepared to care for my pet, but I still have a few questions.

I know bearded dragons make some of their own Vitamin D3 from UVB rays, but my dragon will be spending his entire life indoors (unless I decide to take him outside but that won't happen until he's an adult, and even then probably just one or two times a year). So even a UVB light might not provide the dragon with all the D3 he needs.

There are D3 supplements, but too much of the vitamin can be toxic, so how much do I use? Do I coat crickets in vitamin D3 dust along with the calcium supplement with every feeding? Or just once a day?




  1. I like to feed crickets with a gut loader that includes the vitamins you just have to feed them 24 hours before you give them to your beardie  

  2. if u have the correct strength uv at the correct hight then u shouldnt need to use d3 sups as u said its dangerous in high amounts and a beardie should be able to produce it correct amount itself. (nature is the best way)

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