
Vitamin question.. been sick alot..

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i have been sick alot the past 6 months. someone had suggested taking more vitamin c. i am diabetic and i have to stay away from a lot of fruits because of the carbs. so i thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to try a supplement. i started taking a multivitamin a week ago. it has vitamin c already in it. so if i take an additional vitamin c supplement how would i know if I'm taking too much? what are other healthy ways i can boost energy and my immune system cause of being sick all the time? im seeing doctors and I'm not getting anywhere. I'm making a better attempt to eat better and ive been walking as well. tired of seeing doctors and being a human pin cushion at only 24. ive been really tired. muscle weakness, hot flashes but no fever, night sweats. the only thing the doctors are finding is a high white blood cell count. i know it could be high because of an infection. but its been high for a long time and they cant find out why.




  1. Mega doses of vitamin C have not been proven to be effective in providing relief from anything.  You can overdose on huge doses of C, and cause some health problems.  Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

    Just take the multi-vitamin, and eat a balanced diet, get more exercise, and lots of rest at nights...eight hours of sound sleep cures more illnesses than any supplements.  Avoid caffeine, excess seasonings, eat lots of fiber, stay well hydrated (water), Try not to eat anything a couple hours before you go to bed.  Use that last couple hours to slowly "wind down" to your sleep state.

    A lot of your symptoms can be due to anxiety or depression.  The mind rules the body's health and symptoms.  Are you worried or anxious?  No crime in that.  Are you married, children, significant other?  Most women wear themselves out providing for the needs of others they love, and don' t leave anything for themselves.  Have some fun.  Go to a movie.  Get out with your female friends, and shop, or have a fun lunch.  Treat yourself better mentally, and your physical self will soon reflect the results.

    I'll be thinking of you.  Don't be afraid to email me if you have questions.  I've been to the same places your are traveling now, so I can understand how you feel.  It's a lonely place to be.  Chronic symptoms are scary and worrisome.  They cause anxiety which in turn can cause more symptoms, or symptom exageration.

    My first impression is that you are a sweet, caring person who worries too much, and perhaps pushes herself a bit too hard.

  2. you should take your multi in the morning then vitamin-c in the evening. you can take up to 3000mg. per day if you are sick, if you start to feel better reduce to 1500mg. i you take more than 3000mg. you will get diarrhea.-blurey  

  3. Read the pH Miracle by Robert O. Young, or Sick & Claim: Reclaim Your Inner Terrain by Robert O. Young.  You'll begin to understand why, in a scientific way, we get sick and how to repair your body.  

  4. I would go to a real doctor instead of relying on some of these clown answers.

  5. There are four area that you will need to work on in order to boost your immune system. 1.) Restore digestive health 2.) Restore adrenal balance 3.) Body detoxification 4.) Reduce stress

    I author a number of articles on health and fitness. I have written an article that address these four areas above in detail. Just click on the link below to read the full article.

  6. I take 40 vitamin pills a day and when I started 42 years ago I was taking 75 pills a day for many years, I feel great and I rarely get sick. The pills can hurt you If you don't know the upper limits of each supplement and you are a novice. I know all the limits and in some cases I take 50- 100 times the limit as defined by the Feds. But I read all the alternative literature for my knowledge. I have taken at some point in my life 3,000 mg day of Vit C for many months with no ill effects. Google search alternative medicine and be prepared for fascinating reading and take notes. Be sure you get like 3 sites to agree on anything you want to try, so you can weed out the ones that make statements but do not have the clinical studies to back them up. I like but there are many to learn from, just don't jump in too fast. Try to find a "complimentary" doctor with Google and go for an examination.

  7. Diabetes can eat fruit and veggies, it is all about balance.  You should be able to get all the vitamins you need from food.  Ask your doctor to refer you to a diabetes information clinic with a dietician to discuss the proper diet for diabetes.

    In any event, it is highly unlikely that vitamin supplements will do anything about a high white cell count, hot flashes, night sweats, muscle weakness etc.

  8. To boost your immune system you need extra vitamin C every day and 1 or 2 gm per day is a suitable amount.  Probably calcium ascorbate is the best form to take as free ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is very acidic.

    The 2 natural antibiotics colloidal silver and garlic oil every day will also boost your immune system.

    Fruit such as apples, pears and oranges are fine for a diabetic as they are low GI foods and you can find further information on GI values in a web search for "glycemic index tables".

  9. quit taking them if you are sick

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