
Vitaminenergy or monster energy drink?

by Guest21208  |  earlier

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well I want to drink them because it tastes good, but I don't wanna drink them too much because I know its bad for you.

but is it ok to drink it once or twice per week

is that ok?

(I'm still at junior high school, I don't exercise much)

And what is healthier?

does vitaminenergy even have vitamins?




  1. ya they've got some vitamins.and neither is too bad for you.i mean if you're working out or something vitamin water is deff better.over i'll take a nice big jug of ice water

  2. Vitamin waters maybe better for you. I've tried propel and vitaminwater. Both have good flavors. And are better than any energy drink. But to get back on the subject...most energy drinks do have vitamins and minerals that your body needs. They also have warning labels that say not to consume more than like three drinks daily so you should be ok with one or two a week. Just be careful and maybe talk to your parents about this.

  3. i work for glaceau, makers of vitaminwater, smartwater and vitaminenergy.  vitaminenergy is packed with vitamins and nutrients and without artficial sweeteners or preservatives - which is kinder to your body and helps you avoid that energy spike, jitters and crash like many other energy drinks.  

    vitaminenergy contains natural caffeine, so if you are sensitive to caffeine, be sure to drink it in moderation.


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