
Vitamins for breastfed baby?

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My son had his 4 month app yesterday. 151/2 lbs and growing perfectly! He is breastfed and bottle fed but only has breast milk. The DR mentioned giving him vitamins to reinforce his vitamin D intake since he is mixed (African / Caucasian). This was never mentioned before and he is 4 months already! The DR made it seem like it was optional. Is it? I am confused with this since when I asked before they told me it wasn't necessary? Please advise! Thank you.




  1. Yes, it is optional.  While darker skinned babies are more likely to benefit from extra vitamin D than lighter babies, it the two of you get even a few minutes of sunshine most days, he still gets ample vitamin D in the 'natural way.' (His body makes it from sunlight, as does yours.)  

    Around here it's still summer, and the sun shines most days. If you are in the southern hemisphere and it's winter you might give it serious consideration.  Otherwise, unless you are home-bound, just get him outside for a bit each day.

  2. The AAP recommends Vitamin D supplements after 6 months, but not before.  Before that time, your milk is sufficient (it's not even an absolute whether or not the supplements are needed after 6 months).

    And if your child gets a few minutes of sun on his cheeks every day, supplementation is absolutely unecessary to begin with.  We manufacture Vitamin D in response to sunlight exposure.

    But at 4 months, it is certainly unecessary.

  3. He is getting all the nutrients he needs from you, you do not need to suppliment. Also, sun is great for natural Vitamin D.  Just use caution and limit the amount of direct sun exposure!!   Congrats and Good Luck!!

  4. My daughter turned 1 yesterday, she also mixed raced (Same as yours!) And i have also breast fed her and she still has a morning breast feed, and as far as i have been told by health visitors, doctors and midwifes they will get everything they need from your milk, (so long as you have a healthy diet) as far as i know its only formula fed babies that need extra vitamins. Besides he'll be eating food in a couple of months so i really wouldn't worry.

    Enjoy your baby and relax!

  5. My doctor told me right from birth, give him vitamin D until his food creates enough.

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