
Vitex to get pregnant? please answer?

by Guest33477  |  earlier

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i have heard from several people that vitex can improve your chances of getting pregnant if you have been having problems conceiving and if you have other conditions such as endometriosis(which i have) and if not is there anything you suggest as a supplement that increases your chances of getting pregnant? i have erratic periods they come when they want to even birth control didnt help and i have been on birth control since i was 12 to help regulate them. i am currently not on bc because i am ttc




  1. I have PCOS and the site I included has been so informative on alot of things like alternative remedies and Vitex is always talked about when women are trying to conceive. Good Luck!

  2. I've used vitex aka chaste tree berries in a tincture. My cycles used to be thirty four days long and ten of those were bleeding with irregular bleeding all throughout. Now they are twenty eight days long five days of bleeding and no more random bleeding. I also have endometreosis. This is the lightest my periods have ever been so I really think it works well. One thing you should remember though is after your cycles are normal you should only take vitex until you ovulate then stop because I have read in a few places that it could be dangerous to a baby. Another thing that will help is to have a good massage therapist work on your hips and abdomen. I think you will find your muscles are really tight and painful. After a few sessions you will feel a big difference in your daily life. Best wishes I know how hard it is when you want a baby so bad, but the depression that comes with it will make the endometreosis worse so it's important to remember to let go relax and have a good cry when your period comes. Good luck and best wishes!

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