
Vivid dreams... make them stopppp!?

by  |  earlier

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i am having a lot of them lately, every night i have one, its annoying, they are so realistic its like another reality and you cant escape being awake even when asleep.

just the other night i had this dream where i went into a real posh shop where everything was hyper expensive and only mega rich people could afford to shop there. it was so exclusive i was taken down below on entering and was interviewed, asked how old i was, did i have a criminal record and all sorts of other stuff but they were clearly taking the mick cos i was not dressed in some mega expensive suit so was obviously not rich.. then i got kicked out, as i watched the rich people in the shop driving around the shop in formula one cars..... :S

any answers on why these are happening or what i can do to stop them..




  1. Buy yourself a dream interpretation book, they are really interesting. Dreams are weird though.

  2. check into medical reasons first.  There are certain sleep disorders

    associated with vivid dreams.

  3. I think your dream represents your subconscious feeling of not quite fitting in with people of a high social status around you. You walk in the shop and immediately begin taking in the environment and watching all the affluent people being able to buy and have whatever they want. This is important because it is as if it shows you feeling like an outsider taking in the activity going on around you but not being able to join in. Immediately after you are taken to the lowest part of the house which I believe represents your feeling of being inadequate and being very unequal or lower than the rich persons around you. You are asked your age and if you have a criminal record which I believe points to your believe that you are being judged or perceived as being less than because of what you are wearing. As a result you ended up getting kicked out because you don't seem to belong or fit in to the rich people social scene. After you get kicked out you begin again taking in the environment all around you with the rich people having the fast cars and seemingly enjoying their own little world which you are not privy to but at the same time you are longing to be apart of that world.

    I think the key to getting your dreams to stop is by being honest with yourself about how you feel and by accepting yourself and your life. Perhaps in life you are not as rich as persons around you and as a result you feel really inadequate and left out. Or perhaps your whole dream represents the popular crowd as the rich people and that you feel you are not apart of that crowd at all. But you shouldn't allow yourself to feel that way at all. Love yourself and life. Don't wish to be like somebody else or wish you were more popular. Alot of rich and popular persons have a lot of problems of their own as well even though they seem to be having everything in life. Take care!!!

  4. learn to controll your dreams i love vivid dreams

    as soon as your dreaming take in everything around u

    read something try to read in your dreams

    and look in the mirror to see who you see

  5. Try cutting down on the tv and video games, anxiety could also cause this.

    I have always had very vivid realistic dreams, but I like them haha

  6. You obviously have a lot of stress about a new job or school where you feel unworthy or out of place.

    1) don't eat after midnight.

    2) don't get wet

    3) don't expose to bright light

    No wait....

  7. You are probably over stimulating your imagination during the day with TV and/or computer games.  The brain is then throwing out the trash by dreaming.  If this is the case then stop over stimulating your brain in front of a screen but to tire yourself go for a walk, play football or go to a gym.  Do not drink coffee or coke late in the day and if you take any other form of stimulants then best to stop.  This should help to stop the dreams.

  8. Usually when I am overwhelmed by dreams, it is caused by increased stress. Try to de-stress your life if you can.

    Also, start winding down about an hour before you go to bed. Turn off the tv....and computer! Don't work on bills or paperwork. Just relax. Hope that helps you.

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