I know, I know, this has to be the most lame query this forum has seen in ages, but please tolerate the petty nature for a moment.
I have a summer work study position (for one of my history professors) and this morning, two of the professors were bickering over, no, nothing of merit such as the Russian/Georgian situation or anything you'd think those brilliant minds (I am only being partially sarcastic. lol) would be discussing, it was whether Putin truly divorced his wife and whether he is or isn't involved with the gymnast turned politician.
Other than seriously wondering if I am being educated by some questionable people :/ I thought it would be nice to put this issue to rest for them -- okay, I confess, I want to present them with the answer, and perhaps get their minds back on to you know, crazy things like preparing for the classes they're going to be teaching this coming semester (I really don't want to be in a class in which the prof's stand around debating with the class the latest "Putin Babe" --- my word, I really wish I could afford a non state school, I really do, lol)