
Vodka chug help please?

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i want to try chugging a 26 of vodka/rum something of that sort just wondering how high the chances are of alchohol poisoning or even death

im 16 years old about 190 pounds and i have pretty good alcohol tolerance cause ive been drinking for a long time -.-




  1. i heard of a kid for his 21st b day took 21 shots of vodka in about an hour and he was about ur wieght and he died.  i wouldn't do it cuz if u don't die u would probably be sicker then h**l.  i did 20 once in about an hour once and i'll never do it again.

    good luck

  2. you won't die. but probably get really effed up and forget everything that happened that night.

  3. Hahah. I like you. If your tolerance is that high, you still could get alcohol poisoning, and if you get alcohol poisoning and you don't go to the hospital then there's a chance of death. But then again, there's not much to worry about besides that.

  4. dude, how much is 26?  oz? Liters? (really not a good idea) i guess if you were trying to impress a lot of russians, chugging would seem manly, but seriously vodka?  2-5 shots are enough.  i don't want to patronize you, but even though you have a high alcohol tolerance, i've seen huge frat brothers puke off of less.  190 is not as big as you think.  i'm 130 and i drank 5 russian men under the table with vodka (of course lost track of how much). it is not worth the trip to the er if you do this.  don't obliviate yourself.  "there's a time and a place for that, and it's called college."

  5. obviously intelligence is not much of your weight and ditto common sense.

    get a life while you still have one chump.

    work on your spelling. it's I'm and gonna .. now go back to filpping my burger.

    good point(s) askap: but a litre is 33.8 oz, a little bit more than a quart. I know what it's like to be a kid - I have a social life too. But if he truly has such ambitions then he shouldn't risk losing them over something so stupid.

    thanks for your feedback mixter = and who's gonna pay for this cretin's medical bills? you and I. (well not me and hopefully not you, just saying, that's how the system often works in America)

  6. Yes you could very well die from chugging that much alcohol.

    26oz of vodka/rum would equal 17 servings putting your initial blood alcohol content at around .32 at that level you will be unconscious, your bladder function, breathing and heart rate will be severely affected, you will slip into a coma, you will very likely die.

  7. I don't think you should risk it. Since you have the weight and tolerance, you would just feel really messed up I assume. But don't try it.

  8. just do shots...or have mixed drinks. you hoenstly dont wanna TOO drunk. youll feel like youll want to die!

    id say its quite possible youd get alcohol poisoning...throw up everywhere, not remember a thing, possibly do things/say things you regret and have a terrible headache

    the thing that would scare me most about what you want to do is that you could pass out, then throw up. basically, youll suffocate yourself, and yes, that would resul;t in death. nothing wrong with getting drunk, just be responsible about it!

    if you want to be a doctor you must have a fascination and love for the human just make sure youn dont pollute yours TOO much!

    other than that, make sure you dont drive, or dont get ina  car with anyone else thats been drinking. call a cab or take a bus.

    have fun

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