
Voice breaking questions,please help!

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I think its sort of deep but its still high,will it break anymore?My adams apple is visible but not very,does it mean that if you have a adams apple your voice has broken or breaking?.Im 14.Im just really worried cause its quite high and i worry it will stay that way and i dnt want the same voice as a 9 year old boy all my life :O :-/.Please put my mind on the right track.Also my throat hurts when i swallow :S.




  1. Well, it doesn't really work the same for every guy. I mean, even though your voice is lowering now, I'm sure that it'll get more mature as you get older. Like, you can tell a high school freshman's voice from a senior's voice just through the sound of maturity. Don't sweat it, though. If your voice isn't that low right now, you have to realize that there are going to be some people with "higher" voices than some. And it's not a bad thing (especially for singers) But yeah, no need to concentrate too much on the pitch of your voice. Please see your doctor about the pain when you swallow though. Good luck! :)

  2. your voice will still develop more (get deeper).  but with the pain, ask your doctor to test for strep.

  3. see a dr about the pain but youre voice will even out  

  4. The First Point- Your Adam's apple is not a marker to when you voice will stop deeping. I don't have a big adam's apple and my voice is deep

    Second Point- Your sore throat may be down to your aphoids which are in your sinus. If this is true then a weeks course of anti-biotics from the doctor. It may also be your tonsils. It could just be that when you shout loud consistently that it is making your throat sore

  5. it means it is goes high and deep its just what happens but it will eventually go deep.When your voice breaks you get lots of sore throats it will pass.

  6. ok, my adams apple started growing a year before my voice broke (i was 14 when it broke) and now it is quite prominent in my throat.

    give it time, everyone is different it will break!


  7. kid, ur voice will break all your life, it will just happen less and less and less as you grow up

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