
Voice portion of telephone line does not work, but data portion works fine.?

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My phone line is down. I can't make or receive phone calls, but DSL service is fine. Does anyone know why? No phones are off the hook. Also using the DSL filters at the jacks where phones are connected. With DSL the voice portion and the data portion travels thru the same line right, except that they are filtered by the filter, right?




  1. Yes, DSL signal and phone signal share the same wires.

    The filter(s) just filer the high frequency DSL signals from causing noise interference on your telephone when you make a call.

    Here is suggestions I just posted about troubleshooting a similar problem:

    The only way to troubleshoot this kind of problem is to remove ALL connections from the DSL enabled phone lines.

    In otherwords, remove the modem and every phone and filter from all lines.

    Then, 1-by-1, reconnect each item and test it "individually".

    This is the only way to evaluate that each item on the network is functioning properly, by itself.

    Start with 1 phone and its associated DSL filter. Test it.

    Do this for each phone-filter set.

    If any one phone-filter set fails by itself, that's the problem set.

    Then, isolate wheter it is the phone or filter that's defective.

    Once all devices have been tested individually, start adding more items to the line.... 1-by-1.

    Now, add a 2nd phone and DSL filter. Now, test with both phone-filter sets connected.

    If OK, now test with all three phone-filter sets on the line.

    If all 3 phone-filter sets work without Modem connected, now connect modem to the line too.

    If problems now start, it may be the modem loading down the signal.

    If modem works fine by itself (no phone-filter sets connected), then repeat above test adding 1 phone-filter set at a time again, until problems begin again.

    If modem and any 1-phone-filter set works fine, but starts to go faulty when adding more than 1 or 2 phone-filter sets, then it may be:

    1) Too many devices on the line and it is being loaded down

    2) One device is causing excessive loading - works by itself, but when combined with other devices the total loading is too much for the line.

    3) If you cannot narrow down to any one device as being defective, then call telephone company, tell them results of your testing and tell them you suspect the outside phone line is defective under loading conditions.

    4) If external line testing results are ok, then problem is with one of the phone lines inside your house. You need to narrow it down by isolation testing again....

  2. when you have landline service andsl the line is split into voice line and data line, call your land line privoder repair service from  friend or neighbors phone and tell them the voice lineon you phone ine is dead not your dtata line you voice line

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