
Voice problem! everytime i am in class and asked a question my voice goes reli quiet and croaky plz help mi..?

by  |  earlier

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and ppl make fun of me 4 it cause they tink im reli shy ! plz help me1 x




  1. It is a natural response under stress for your saliva gland to stop working. For much the same reason a friend of mine and I always used to get a dry mouth when talking to a particular tutor at uni.

    The only thing you can do is try to remain calm but with others making fun of you this will not be easy. Anything that will give you confidence will help. You can try to imagine the rest of the class nude or you can pretend you are someone else who would be unfazed by silly school children. At the end of the day they are just immature so try and rise above their silly behaviour.

    Hope this helps and good luck.

  2. Same thing happens to me in the beginning of the year.  It's just anxiety. Once you start feeling more comfortable in your class and with the other people in there your probably be a little bit nervous about what they will think of you.  Never fear though almost everyone worries about stuff like this whether they want to admit or not. I'm sure once you settle in you will feel better and be able to talk just fine in your classes.  Best of luck!

  3. maybe you're just nervous..

    i know that in that situation

    my hands start to shake...

    it's just a coping mechanism

    i am guessin...

  4. just be sure to speak with confidence when you do speak up. try not to let what people are thinking bug you. if you feel what you have to add is important be able to stand behind it and state it with confidence.

  5. omgoodness, that is so me...this used to happen to me all of the time in high school. I just tryed to befriend my classmates so that i felt more comfortable talking around them, worked for me...even if you don't become good friends with all of them try to talk to everyone of them on a normal basis so that you can speak more confidently in class..good luck sweety

  6. I'm the same way. Maybe u are scared of speaking in front of a lot of people. When u get asked a question try to speak very loud so it feels like u are screaming but u are talking normaly.

  7. I do that too sometimes. Well, if the teacher asks a question and there's a chance s/he may call on you, then just quietly clear your throat. And if people make fun of you, say "Yeah my throat, that's pretty interesting" but say it in a sarcastic voice. Good luck!~

  8. thanks for asking this question! i have the same problem, my mum thinks it just nerves, aswell if you know people are going to laugh it dosent help. but, hey? who cares? your you and i bet your friends know and love you for it! (im sure mine do!)

  9. don't worry it happened to me, ur probaly nervous try speaking loudly and have confidence.

  10. ahhhhhhh i used to do this! but i used to go red too n people used to take the mick-only joking but really it does knock ur confidence! theres no real answer for this tho and i think its one of them things u just grown out of as u get older and more confidence with yourself, try and get friendly with the people in your class this will increase ur confidence and the more times u speak in class the more ur get used to it so don't do what i did and hide away speak up

    goodluck hunny


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