
Voice/puberty question.?

by  |  earlier

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so i`m pretty sure i`m right.

but just to make sure

i`m 14 at the moment,

and yeah, my voice is pretty low and suchh.

but when i try to go into a higher rangee,

it sounds like.....well you get the point it sounds not good, all crackyl and such, like yeah, when your voice cracks.

when i hit sayy, 20, and i get past puberty, my voice`ll stop changing, and i`ll be able to tap into my high range again?




  1. Dont know

    It depends on your vocal chords.

    I used to sing like an angel (ok it was an angel being tortured by a pack of wild dogs but it was still an angel) before puberty Now I cant get much above a low C

  2. Depends on the guy. I'm a tenor, my voice has changed in the past 2 years and I can sing tenor or Baritone. Eventually you will proabably gain back your falsetto. You missed out on being a Eunuch.

    regards: j~swift

  3. Probably not.  Once you start to get a low voice, you probably won't be able to hit the high note like you did.  And once youre done growing, I doubt you will come close

  4. This reminds of the bradybunch  

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