
Vol. FireFighter schedual.?

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My nephew is 16 and thinking about joining his local Vol. Fire house. I'm wondering what hours are normally like for them, and if they are always "on call" or whatever. He's still in school and such which is why im asking.





  1. I started out when I was 17, and I have worked with several 16 year old volunteers as an adult.

    When you join the volunteer fire department at 16, there are rules. School comes first. Most fire departments do not allow high schoolers and members under the age of 18 to respond to fire calls during the night.

    Most also have rules that prohibit high school kids from responding during school hours.

    That means he can really only respond during the afternoon, the early evening and the weekends.

    Most volunteer fire stations have chores and duties that need to be accomplished. This is only a few hours a week. Remember that he is a volunteer. He is volunteering his time.

    So simply... are the on call "all" the time? No? They are on call when they are available. When he is 16, he is not allowed to enter a burning building and the rules are a little more flexible since he is in school.

  2. Hi, I volunteer for an EMS orginization and I am surprised that the FD is letting your nephew join at such a young age. I'm from New York and very involved with the FD's in my area and as far as I know, the age requirement is 18. However, the schedule of a volunteer fireman depends on the indivisual, usually a pager is given to the indivisual and when there is a fire call they are to respond. The firemen have to attend certain meetings which are usually about 4 - 5 days a month and certain drills at a Fire Academy which are usually once or twice a month. My FD and others in my area have explorer programs or junior firefighter programs where teenagers in essence explore and observe what the fire fighters actually do.

    All in all, it is a good experience as long as your nephew realizes that his schooling, job and family come first. Volunteering is nice, but it will never pay the bills.

    Good luck, I hope I've given some insight!

  3. I'm Not Sure About The Age Requirement, But They Are On Call At All Times. That Doesn't Mean He Has To Respond Too Every Call. Tell Him Good Luck! He Will Have Too Learn CPR And A Few Other Things Also. It's Nice He Has You, To Check It Out For Him!!

  4. If it is a "Volunteer" FD, you have to be ready at any time, day or night, to go on a fire call. In my small town, my dad is a volunteer FF and goes on calls whenever he needs to. He just meets everyone at the FD and they go from there. You have to be ready at any time to go. I wouldn't recommend him joining the FD right now...tell him to finish his schooling before he makes any big decisions about that.

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