
Volcanoes on Lanzarote: extinct or not?

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are the volcanoes on this island extinct or dormant? if so how regulary do they erupt?? please i really need to know?!!!




  1. Lanzarote’s 300 volcanoes are extinct but you can see their presence everywhere: mountains, craters, lava flows – the landscapes of Lanzarote are dramatic and fascinating.

    Volcanoes are found in three states - extinct, dormant and active. An extinct volcano will never erupt again. A dormant volcano has not erupted in 2000 years. An active volcano has erupted recently and is likely to erupt again.

  2. they are dormant which means they never erupt!! extinct is not a term u would use to describe volcanoes as this means the dont exist !! which we all know they do.....dormant is the term!!!

  3. nope

  4. The status shown for the Lanzarote volcanoes is "Historical", however, the last eruption was in 1824, which should classify them as dormant.

    The 60-km-long island of Lanzarote at the NE end of the Canary Islands contains the largest concentration of youthful volcanism in the Canaries. Pleistocene-and-Holocene cinder cones and lava flows erupted along NE-SW-trending fissures are found throughout the low-altitude arid island and on smaller islands to the north. The largest historical eruption of the Canary Islands took place during 1730-36, when long-term eruptions from a NE-SW-trending fissure formed the Montañas del Fuego and produced voluminous lava flows that covered about 200 sq km. The lava flows reached the western coast along a broad, 20-km-wide front. The villages of Maretas and Santa Catalina were destroyed, along with the most fertile valleys and estates of the arid island. An eruption during 1824 produced a much smaller lava flow that reached the SW coast.

  5. The volcanoes on Lanzarote are dormant. The last eruption was in 1824. Nobody knows if or when it will happen again.

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