
Volley Ball tryouts 4 the first time!!!!!

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im going to tryout 4 the volley ball team this year and i have no idea wat to expect and i also need some practice tips coz i just started liking volley ball last year!

plz help me




  1. just know how to pass set hit and serve!!!and be ready for conditioning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. There are basically 4 Basics you will be tested on:





    To appeal to your coaches, you must appear "teachable" and enthusiastic even if you are not the best player, so always listen closely if they point out any of your weaker spots.

    If you are trying out for highschool, you must have your overhand serve for most teams. Practice serving against a tall wall or garage. Make sure that your wrist does not go flimsy like a noodle.

    Practice shuffle passes without swinging your arms. Keep your "platform" - the fore-arm surface you contact the ball with.

    And most importantly, show that you can be aggressive and have a passion for the sport. If you are confident, it will show, and the coaches will pick up on your future potential!

    Best of luck!!!

  3. First off. Trying out for ANY sport that you've never had experience in, can affect your chances of making the team. But it doesn't mean it's impossible to make a team.

    Well, this is just me, but if you have no experience in volleyball, and it's your first year, I would hold off trying out for anything. I would first just play in a league that you just have to sign up for. As in, maybe a city league where anyone can play. That way, you get a lot of practice and experience.

    It may not even be a good idea to try out for this team if you've never played before. Before taking volleyball to a serious level (like trying out for a school team.) you need to already know the rules, the basics, and techniques. Volleyball isn't for everyone. You also have to be coordinated.

    All i am saying is to hold off on trying out for now. Try getting a year or two's worth of experience and practice. Then maybe you'll be ready.

    Hope you make the right choice! =]

  4. At the tryouts, the coaches would warm all the players up, then run skill drills for BUMPing, SETting, HITting and SERVing

    First you have to develop those skills;practise your bump, set, hit against the wall around 100 times a day

    you should always start with some training: attend some volleyball camps for good playing time experience and works on your skills! :D

    Also, some conditioning tips I'll have for you:

    SKIPPING: single jumps, both legs-- 100 jumps, take a rest, then single jumps, single leg 50 jumps each leg

    CARDIO: work on some endurance every 2 -3 times a week, run, swim, bike...etc.

    STRENGTH: do push ups, crunches (hold 2 secs), stretches

    ***most importantly is to play around with a volleyball, against a wall, " pepper" with a buddy or play some beach, grass and indoor over the summer

    keep up the good work and you'll most likely make the team :D GOOD LUCK! ♥♥♥

  5. you just have to give it your best shot , study on the professional volleyball players and you will know more about it and how to do it

    its better if you practice alot before the tryouts like on your jump your hits strike and all that

  6. if you are new too volleyball dont practice too hard all you really need to know is the BASICS. i just tried out and i made the team it was just basics, basics, basics. it also depends your grade level. if your trying out for 10th grade and its your first time, i dont think its a very good idea but if you are in like 6th or 7th, its probably a good idea

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