
Volley ball..SPIKING!?

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How tall do you have to be to do a good spike. (or does that not matter, just as long as your hand can reach over the net)

Im about 5' 3, when i jump, my full hand is over the top of the net.

Do you have any techniques on how to hit the ball over the net when your about 2 feet away from it?

It doesn't have to be spiking. (i just would prefer that)




  1. Right Handed: Left Step - Right Step - Left Step.

    Left Handed: Right Step - Left Step - Right Step

    Those are your footing techniques.

    The first step- You arms go forward.

    Second step- You arms go back.

    Third Step   -  You arms go foward and dominate hand spikes the ball.

    That is the hand movements. It is difficult to get the motion down. But once you do you are a good spiker... I am a 3rd year volleyball player..... goodluck

  2. When you are shorter or have a low vertical leap, a lot of coaches will tell you to aim for the corners. I used to do this and end up hitting it out most of the time. The best tip I ever received was to aim my hit at the 10 foot line. For me, it now usually ends up in the back row but much harder and almost always in!

  3. Height doesn't matter when you spike. I'm 5' 0' and I can spike. but im really our libero. to spike the ball over the net from the back row i do a down ball or a roll shot. To bump it over on a free  all i angle my arms and aim it deep.

  4. learn to approach and practice your timing. practice with a setter and you should be on your way!:)

  5. It doesnt matter its only about how high you can jump ..let me give you an idea ok a 5 foot person who can jump 3 feet high is equilant to a 6 foot person who can jump only 2 feet is it clear?? ok now about your jump skipping is the only way a person can really get his jump going if you can do that like at the start may be a 200 and the then as you go along a 800 would do ..if you do like this for a month or two you can urself that there is a change and for that spiking position that you have asked actually its either close or wide thats how you cal the ball and there are certain types of balls that a good setter can give you like the short ball,the too ball ,the counter etc that gives you an upper hand over the opposition depending on the block they are employing on you..and now for that 2 feet distance yup i have one ... ok listen carefully when you go for the net practice... make a like on the court that is at 2 feet from the net and parallel to it and then ask your setter to stand on the line beside you on the left if you are a left hander and vice versa and then you go 90 degrees to the line 4 to 5 feet away from it in the direction away from the net ok ask him to put the ball on the line no matter what .. throw the ball onto him n you start running and keep practicing on and on nothing else but practice can get you where u wanted to be .. all the best

  6. When you are getting a set, stand just inside the 10' line. This will enable you to get a running and jumping start. The set should be about 3' from the net for your height. Make sure you follow through on your swing.

    Practice with tennis balls. Have one in your hand. Run from the 10' line, jump, and throw it down, over the net.

  7. it doesnt realy matter

  8. I dnt think it matters how tall you are.

    It just matters how high your vertical is.

    Try to improve your vertical everyday by jump roping.

    It helps!

  9. to have a good spike, you can be any height as long as you can jump high enough and have a good approach. i'm 5'0 and a good hitter because of my vertical.

    there are 3 types of hits you could do when you're 2 feet away : the dink, the off-speed spike and the hard-driven spike

    you can read about it from this website.
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