
Volley ball question please help!!!!!!!!!!?

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i didnt make the jv team last year and i really really wanna play this year, so i need good good tips on anything an everything please help




  1. Coaches want someone who can carry the team

    so have a good attitude even if you mess up

    and remenber cheering helps the team and yourself!


  2. Always practice, and get into shape, and have someone practice and get into shape with

  3. awww...sorry in not making it last year.  Well, hopefully you know your fundamentals because it is really crucial that you go in there knowing what to do and when to do it.  But there is also a part that is not athletic. You need to have a positive attitude and have an open mind.  You can be the greatest player in the world but if you don't have a positive attitude and think that your the greatest, the coach(es) will not take you because of that.  Also, make sure to be in shape because depending on your school, there will be running and also some crucial conditioning.  Hopefully you take everything into account and good luck.  Any other questions feel free to add more details.

  4. The coaches look for someone who is dedicated, agressive, and ready to play. Make yourself hustle for the ball and ALWAYS call it. Think the ball is coming to you and be ready to hit. So that you are agressive by hitting hard and not being afraid to dive.

  5. Practice one thing at a time. If you are having trouble serving, practice only serving for a few days. Even though you might not have a net, find a tall wall and messure the heigth of a net to it (put tape there so you know.) step back and aim over the tape. Also practice placement. Then practice setting to your self and to a wall for a few days, and so on and so on. Another important thing is to hustle! Always hustle whether your on a water break, hustle to get water then hustle back. Never stand straight up, always be down in position with your arms out and ready. PAY ATTENTION. I know it might be fun to chat with your friend while you guys are in line for some drill, but keep focused. Show that you are willing to learn, accept critisism. Motivate others, tell them good job. Just be sure you try hard.

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