
Volleybal tryouts and did really bad?

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i had volleyball tryouts today and i did really really bad, i spiked the ball but ran into the net and just did absolutely terrible. i was wondering if you guys have any suggestions on how to make the coaches notice me and any drills or tricks that will make me a better overall player (a controlled one). any of your suggestions would be really really apprieciated thanks

ps... if you could tell me any one person drills that would be amazing . Thanks soo much!!




  1. call the ball REALLY loud every time. Coaches always notice that. also if your in a bunch of girls that u don't know, introduce yourself during the water breaks. Coaches will not notice u if u are just standing off by yourself. they need to know you will be able to become friends with those on your team(if you make it).

    Also, if you mess up, don't pout or sulk about it. coaches hate that.

    Above all have fun

  2. well i think u should learn how to serve the ball good and hard.when u do that the people on the other team will be scared to return it. try 2 hit it from 1 side of the court 2 the other. and i dnt noe any1 person drills but i noe 2 people drills.

    1.u bump it

    2. some1 sets it real good and high

    3. u come back and spike it

    hav u tryed hitting it wit ur head?  yes u can do that cuz it is above ur waist. plus its fun.

  3. serve. serving is a major part. and at least bump good.

  4. ok well i went to a volleyball camp this summer it really helped. well somethings you can do is pepper with your self (bump, set, spike {in that order}) also if you have someone that can help you, you can have them toss the ball at you but not make it directly at you so youlearn to move. practice doing slides (knees bent, but low , move sideways without crossing your feet) opposites (kind of like skipping but you put one leg up and your opposite arm up that will help your jumping for hitting)running will help you be able to move quicker around the court. if you want e-mail me and i can tell you somemore

    good luck! hope ya make the team!

  5. They were that bad, well there are a lot of summer camps for volleyball, high schools and all.  and I know how you feel. My tryouts, are at the beginning of the school year, and just as I am getting ready for them right now, I BREAK MY WRIST   you are not alone. Hang in there. The camps eally help.

  6. my volleyball tryouts did not go 2 well either

    any ways try bumping to youreself of just get a bunch of volleyballs and a net and practice serving and spiking

    if you dont have a court serve agaisnt the wall!!!

    If you cant do that just get in better shape go run or walk

    or go to the gym!!!

    Best of luck!!!

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