
Volleyball 24/7. what do i do?

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i am very good at volleyball. i even play on a selcet team, but since i have so much volleyball going on, my grades at school are only okay. i want to have above and beyond scores to make my parents proud. my older brother always gets perfect grades but i dont. i would like to get more time to study but i cant find that anywhere. i hardly ever get any time to even check over an assignment that i had for homework because right after school like at 5:30 i have volleyball and i have 30 minutes to get ready before whoever is taking picks me up. since i dont get much time in to make sure my answers are right, i usually get a few wrong. i hate getting low scores in school. what should i do?!!?!?




  1. Sounds like you have stretched yourself pretty thin. Volleyball is a good way have fun as a group, but its interfering with your school work and causing you to have second thoughts, Then maybe ypu need to cut back on your activity. Your education is more important than just a game and practice. I'm sure the coach understands that logic, if not they really have a problem. Talk it over with your coach an see what kind of suggestion they can come with.

  2. i know you probably want to use this time for socializing but before school and during lunch is a good time to get in some studying...ask the teachers for some lunch tutoring 2-3 times a week.

  3. relax! you're stressing yourself out. take a deep breathe and calm down. you don't need to compare yourself to your older brother. you two are different people and i'm sure your parents are proud of you. :]

    it seems like volleyball's cutting into your school time. volleyball is meant to be fun, not to stress you out more. i think you should probably cut down the volleyball time, by a little. get your priorities straight. volleyball is great and all, but your education is a lot more important. if you don't want to cut down on volleyball time, try learning to manage your time a little better

  4. you could tell your parents that you want to take a break from volleyball or just find some time to make everything work. you could try to get the assignment done in class or study hall or do it in other classes. thats what i do when i have volleyball everyday. good luck.

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