
Volleyball Additudes?!!..... -----> HELP!!! :~)?

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I play on 16 club JO volleyball.

we have an amazing team, if only we didnt have additudes. our setters get selfish and will NOT set to anyone. she will hit it over he self and she cant hit so she gets it out. our coach has benched her but that just causes more drama and additude and we have no other setter so we suck even more than, which is not even possible.

our whole team just gets in this little thing where we all get addidudes and suckkkk..

me and a couple other girls are always trying to cheer them up n make them happyy but it dont worrk like that with our team...

any suggstions of how i can cheer the team up?... or how we can lose our additudes FAST! so we can accually win a game?

it really sucks when we have such an amazing team and we lose the game we could have won bcuz of addtittudes!!!!




  1. gather your team and talk about it, i'm lucky our setter isn't liek that

  2. You know, our coach just started organizing this things he called "integration nights"....he would look for activities that we could do saturday nights together so that we could get along better.  You can suggest that!!

  3. okay maybe it'd be one thing if the setter was good at hitting lol. okay maybe you shouldn't go for the whole cheering up thing you know. if your selfish setter is keeping your whole team from setting you should confront her. tell her, her job as a setter is majorly important to the team because she's the only setter you guys have! make her feel important but with the most strict tone you have. show her she's and important accet to the team but at the same time you want to be saying " if you keep this horrible attitude up well never win a game and it'll pretty much be your fault so lose your attitude because we need you and if you got rid of this attitude we could all win for once" remember you want her to know shes a important part of the team but shes bringing you down. good luck hope i could help!

  4. my club team has a core of 5-6 players that have played together for like 3 years now, so we don't really have this problem. our team did however go through a rough period where our setter switched teams, luckily, we found a new setter who was just as good. to make him feel welcome, we invited him over to one of the players homes and we all played on his wii. our setter is now one of our best friends. i would suggest going out with your team to a theme park or having the setter over and telling them "hey, you're the most important player on our team. people look to you for sets so they can improve, but right now, nobody is getting set. hitting the ball over every time doesn't seem to work right now, besides, if the other team catches on, we'll be in real trouble. we are an especially talented team, and we all want you to do good. for a setter to do good they need to set, so try it, we could win some more." sound kind but firm, and say it right before she leaves, this will cause it to stick in her mind and make it easier for her to remember what you said.


    the same thing is happening to my team

    i play for a 13's team in a club called TEXAS ECLIPSE but ya we have 2 setters out of 3 that always tip it over and 1 of our setters is negative about EVERYTHING!!

    she never comes to any practices and has played in 1 tournament this whole season!

    when she wasnt at our tournaments we did GREAT cuz out team is NOT negative!

    now we cant win anything!!

    it sux!

    and we are only losing by a couple of points in every match!

  6. This is part of "our" life... whenever there is a bad attitude, it would cost the whole team.

    You should try to work with your coach to "fix the problem".

  7. You are not alone!!! many teams have a lit if drama. and ya its usually the setter that causes it oir the people that think they should play more then they do. Our team had a lot of drama for about 2 years. but somehow we did manage to make it to state one year! then last year just sucked because no one liked anyone and we never played well. our coach forced us to have lunch together at school for a week. She even had teachers check up on us! it did help we  got everything out there and some problems were solved! I woul just try to have a team meating with or w/o the coach present. Dont worry too much the drama will end! This year all the drama starters graduated and we had out first jo play day and won all 3 matches!

  8. We had that problem last year! Our coach finally got fed up with it and she made us sit down and everyone said what they thought we should do about it. It really helped and we just had to remember that when we were on the court and we made a mistake that there was nothing we could do about it. It was in the past and if someone messed up we couldn't get mad at them because we had never played a perfect game. Your setter needs to face the facts: she controls the game whether she wants to or not. She always has to be the most positive player and the leader! I play for Texas Tornados and we were at JOs too! :)

  9. I got to coach a 14A team with a club.  And the A stood for the best players and ATTITUDE.  It had all of the top players and all of the top ATTITUDES.  Because the team was not winning and I could not solve the problem, I was fired from the club.  And the funny thing is that I was happy about it.  I was frustrated because everything I tried did not work.  The next coach they hired quit after one tournament.  The head coach for the club took over and could not fix the problem.  They kicked out the top 2 attitude problems from the club and spread the rest of the players to the other 14 or 13 teams.  I hope your only solution is not disbanding the team.

    It is too bad the the people with the attitudes do not realize that they are only going to hurt themselves.  A friend of mine had a girlfriend.  She had an attitude on the court.  She was great off the court.  The two of them were very good players, but they were never invited to play any co-ed tournaments or leagues because of her attitude.  She never  really played again in any serious volleyball.   Another situation was a setter for a major D1 school had an attitude.  About mid season, the coach decided that the second string setter was good enough and the volleyball scholarship for the starting setter suddenly disappeared.  And you can be sure that she could not get a scholarship anywhere else.  

    There was a suggestion by oaky 12 about eating lunch together.  I would suggest a lunch together away from volleyball.  Or a dinner.  Or go to the park.  Or a movie.  Just go do something together away from volleyball.  Maybe you can start relating to each other as people and not just team mates.  

    Good luck.  It will be a long season.  Even if you were winning, it is not fun to deal with attitudes.

  10. I would ask the coach if you could sit her out until she got a better attitude throughout the season, because she obviously doesn't seem to be being a good player on the court, so she doesn't deserve the playtime. You can just encourage the team like 'Hey guys, c'mon we can do it.' just little things will work.

  11. ugh i hate when girls do that!!!!!!!!

    just try to be positive and it really helps if you suck up to the setter cause then she's more willing to  set you....also let your coach handle it but don't be afraid to bring it up to his attention

  12. i would have to say if the attitude stops when that girl is in to play then keep her in otherwise i would find a new setter cuz that is just c**p. it isn't fair to the rest of the team... have the coach do something different have ur coach shape ur team up cuz it sounds like ur coach isn't doing to much when ur setter is sitting on the bench....

  13. Wow.  THere is no way you can win a game if you are not a team.  Tell them not to do all that selfish hitting stuff for THEM do the good stuff for the team.  Put aside all of your personal problems when you get on the court.  My coach taught our team to be BONDED.  We are undefeated in the region and we don't have any attitudes because whatever the coach wants you to do is for the good of the team.  You better talk to those b*****s and be a leader girl.

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