
Volleyball Cheers....... see details?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in HS and our team is trying to find out some v-ball cheers for things like after we get a kill or they miss a serve or we ace it ..... you get the jist of it.....please, if you have anything that'll be great!




  1. When our opposing team hits a ball out, we  go "1, 2, seeya!" and for a block, one person goes "Brick" and the rest of the team goes "wall!"

  2. Our teams just have this silly ace cheer we made up, it goes "Ahhh ace ace ace ace, in your face!"...we've used that for everrrrrrrrr.

  3. I have one for a kill

    The person that killed it yells,"Beat u cant do it like me!

    Then the girls on the court yell back,"NOOO!"

    After that the girls on the bench yell,"Ah,kill,kill!" and clap on each kill they say.

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