
Volleyball Crisis!!!!!!!!!!!!! In need of serious help here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So please help me out thankyou!!

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ok so I just moved to this new school this year and I want to try out for the highschool volleyball team really bad but my problem is that I don't know who really plays volleyball so I don't know what all I need to focus on the most when I practice this summer. I am joining a summer volleyball league so that I can get ready for it and I just want to make it because volleyball is pretty much my whole life!!!!! like I would die if I couldn't play volleyball anymore but anyways if anybody has any suggestions for me on what I should do that would really help me out then I would be very happy so please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. if you are really good at volleyball and you want to leave your email then I could email you and you could give me even more adivice on what exactly I should do so yea thank you everybody for being so nice and answering this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. My advice for you is that try to talk to the people in volleyball and try to become their friends, and I would try to focus on everything, because every position takes the same amount of work, but some people think different positions are harder than others. So just try hard and put everything into it

    Hope this Helps

  2. You need to play up your strengths.  You really won't need to be a great all-around player on a high school team.  

    If you are a good passer, work on your serving and practice some spins on a backrow hit.  backrow specialists are an important part of any team.

    If you are tall, work on your net play and timing on your hits.  timing is where it's all at.

    if you are lefty, please please please work on becoming a right side hitter.  Good lefty hitters are very valuable commodities.

    Now the key member of any colleyball team is the setter.  If you think you are capable of becoming a good setter, that's exactly what you should do.  A well organized team will have at least two setters, and it can be difficult to find a good one.

  3. hey there! I'm not like, a volleyball champ, but I'm pretty good (I wanna try out for highschool volleyball too!) and my friend is Amazing! so here's both our addresses


    good luck!

  4. I don't think you have a crises at all as you appear prepaired for the summer very well. Many do not go to camps pre or post season.

    Being that Volleyball is such a big deal to you it also indicates you probably have above average commitment to the sport and this is also a big plus to you.

    The fact that your on the ball will give you that edge when your stat your season in August.

    As a Volleyball Coach at the high school level I applaud your commitment and recommend a few things:

    Stay in good physical shape, find a partner in town and play one on one or get something going, protect you ankles thought and drink water constantly; other than that, relax, have good summer and stay focused. :)


    mmm. it's not so much what other girls can do but what you can do.

    play up your strengths.

    if you are setter,

    perfect your setting.


    PERFECT your spiking.


    perfecting you passing.

    Don't change what you are best at because you don't know what the other girls play.


    Email me anytime


  6. It is good that u r in that summer league so that basically will help u on the skills part of it. But when u r at the tryouts make sure u have a GREAT attitude and be loud on the court such as calling the ball as loud as u can. Remember coaches don't only pick u for how good u r!

  7. First off, who cares whose playing volleyball at your school. If you want to play on the team, then play on the team. No one can stop you from doing that but yourself. You can do it. Secondly, don't get hit in the crotch with the ball. That would put you on the ground and you don't want that.

  8. It's great how you are doing the summer league. I live for volleyball too! Maybe I can help.  Here are some things i would focus on.

    1. Bumping - Be able to slide and get up any possible ball.

    2. setting- be able to set a ball high enough for someone to attack it and in control

    3. Serving-make it hard,fast,and in control

    4. attacking- Work on jumping as high as you can coaches love a high jumper! you also need to be agressive

    5. Attitude-be a team player if you mess up don't feel bad for you think of your team. Play for the sake for your team. Even if you need help if coaches see that attitude they will love you.

    I hope this helps I have played volleyball forever so if you need any more help i'll be hapy to help you. I check my e-mail everyday. check my profile!

    Fellow addicted to volleyball, volleyball player


  9. hey what i would do is see if the team has an open gym or they had training coach like that you willing to make an effort and i move to my school last year and i would practice and make sure i was in great shape and i would try to find some who might be able to give you private lessons Or

  10. ok sounds like u r doing everything right as far as getting involved with camps.  Just be in good shape cause most HS teams have you run 2 miles in 13 minutes to make it on the first day.  SO be prepared, in good shape, and good attitude.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥ Godsvbgirl

  11. my coach told us to focus on what we are strongest at.  For example if you are a good passer focus on that.  Play what you are strongest at.  thats what my couch told me and i made the team.  i play libero and thats what i focused on during tryouts.

  12. camps are def a big help when ur trying to improve ur skills.. when ur at the camp try to see what ur strongpoints are and if your better at hitting at the net or passing then you know what you have to show to your coach at your new school! good luck trying out girlie!

  13. just email me on what exactly you need to know.

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