
Volleyball Drills for beginners?

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HELP. I am a counsler of a week long camp for beginners and it isn't going to well. Most of the girls are 10-12 and this is their first experience playing. The problem is that the girls are bored of fundamental drills (i.e just passing and setting to a partener) but they really aren't capable of much more. We tried playing queen of the court with the girls, but they don't seem to enjoy it because the ball is just going out of bounds and they can't recieve serve.

Is there any contests or games that would combine fundamentals with fun that 40 some 10 year olds would enjoy?




  1. i helped with a begginner camp and we played queen of the court but instead of them serving you stand on one side of the net and toss the balls to the other side alternating back and forth and if the ball isn't hit or made a play out of theow another one over for a redo. also have them set up with a target ,setter and passer and a line behing the passer and have them rotate out after each one.

    hope i helped.

  2. try playing pepper

  3. make it a game:

    pass between partners the last team standing >the ones who dont stop< are the winners and the others have to do 5 pushups and 5 situps.

    same with setting.

    and then the person with the best hits out of 5 gets a piece of candy.

    something the kids will want to work for.

  4. Play games and fast paced drills!

    1. Position for passing (this is a great 'game' to play if they're having trouble moving their feet before passing):

    - Get them to line up behind the end line, with one person in the court.

    - Make them put their hands behind their back.

    - Throw to ball high over the net.

    - The girls have to shuffle to where the ball is, and try to let it bounce through their legs (all with their hands behind their back).

    - This teaches them to shuffle/move before they think of passing the ball.  Most young girls think about passing before moving...hence they freeze in one place and end up on their knees passing.

    (A lot of the girls I coach, always laugh and giggle when doing this drill...I guess it's silly as much as learning)

    2. Dead Fish Drill:

    - Split the girls up into 2 teams. (Or 4-6 teams on 2-3 courts)

    - One team serves, while the other, goes onto the other side of the court and lie down in the court.

    - Team #1 serves one at a time, and tries to hit one of the players on Team #2 lying down.

    - Team #1 gets: 1 point for every serve that lands in the court, 2 points for every serve that hits a player on the other team, and -1 point for every serve that goes into the net or out of bounds.

    - Teams switch.  The losing team gets a "discipline" to do.

    - Girls really like this drill because it's competitive and fun.  It also helps them learn to make their serve accurate, as well as putting them under pressure.

    3. Butterfly Drill

    - You need 10 players for this drill (4 groups of 10?  But you need 1 full court for each group)

    - Place 2 players in each back corner of the court (8 players total).  Then place 2 players in the setting position at the net (1 player on each side of the net).

    - The players in the back right corners need a ball.

    - The players with the ball throw the ball over the net to the players in the back left corner on the other side (try to let them do the motion of hitting a ball while throwing).

    - The players in the left back corners of the court pass the ball to the 'setter' on their side.

    - The 'setter' catches the ball.

    - Then everyone follows where the ball went.  The person who threw the ball will go to the position of the person they threw it to.  The person who passed the ball will go to the 'setter' position they passed to.  The 'setter' will go to the back of the line of the thrower group on the SAME SIDE of the court they're already on.

    - Therefore, when the drill is moving smoothly, the players should move in a counterclockwise motion in the shape of a butterfly (or a sideways hourglass sand clock).

    - This drill helps them work on their passing and hitting motions.  It also makes them move quickly and they're always in the drill, so they don't have time to be bored :)

    I think that's all I have for kids that young!

  5. Bump/pass between two lines meeting in the middle.  The side that keeps it in play wins the point.  This would make them build their passing skills.  Another one is target serving.  Have them aim for a spot on the other side of net and assign points for each particular target.  This would build their serving skills.  Good luck

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