
Volleyball?? Help?? Please Read?

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ok so I'm going out for my 7th grade school v-balll team. and i have never playedv-balll <well outside with my friends> and i need to kno wat of kind of stuff should i do to get ready for try outs? wat kind of things do coaches look for? wat skills do i neeed? and im not the best vball player so i really need to work on all my skills really execpt for the serve....thanks n advance




  1. Well when you first start off on modified? it&#039;s not to serious.

    they usually don&#039;t have you play serious posistions

    outside of a setter(mabey) and back center.. but I don&#039;t know your school.

    SOme thing you could do to get ready is to really perfect your serve.

    Get it to be so controlled you could control where it goes,

    such as an open spot on the other team?

    Also work on your passing. Just mainly getting it where

    it&#039;s controlled, and goes where you want it to go.

    Also make sure it gets some ups :]

    Work on your defense, such as diving?

    Have some one just spike them at you?

    and try to dive for them and get them up.

    Finally work on your setting.

    hope this helped&lt;3

  2. I remember when I tried out for volleyball!

    Well I would wait to see if you get on the team to get stuff for it. And if you get on it you will need knew pads.

    Things that couches look for is how strong you hit the ball, personalty, and to make sure you are not afraid of falling on your knees and to see if you are afraid of the ball!

    Skills you need are to get a pretty good serve, because if you have a good serve they will remember you more.

    I think you will do fine! Don&#039;t worry if  your not the best just have confidence and you will be great! And remember to practice! Good Luck!

  3. Ok well it depends on what position you&#039;re interested in. Front row? Back row? Setter? Be sure you know the rules too, so you don&#039;t make an illegal play. Here is a little bit you would need to know about the different positions:

    Front row- Have a good approach to the ball. Start out at the ten foot line, and when the ball is set then take the following steps: left, right, the left. Those are the basic steps towards the ball for an approach. Remember to keep your hand open when swinging, and avoid hitting the net. That&#039;ll count as an illegal play. When blocking jump straight up and keep both hands completely open, keep your thumbs high, you don&#039;t want to break them from the incoming spike.

    Back row- Stay down and ready for the incoming hit. Keep your knee within the width of your shoulders. Keep your hands in front of you at all times and ready. Also, remember if the ball is coming towards you, and is going above your head, it&#039;s most likely going to be out. Don&#039;t try to set it. Watch the boundry lines every play, call out if it&#039;s out. Try to pop the ball up to your setter to get a good play.

    Setter- Setters usually take the second hit in the game. If you can&#039;t get to it in time, or it&#039;s very very far, call for help. Keep your hands open and use your arms to push through the set. Step through the set usually with your right foot, to get a little power on it. Set it a little further from the net, so it&#039;s not to close and the hitters won&#039;t be able to spike it.

    There&#039;s what I know about each position, but just stay confident and try your best. You&#039;ll do fine!

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