
Volleyball... Junior Varsity, Varsity?

by Guest33076  |  earlier

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Ok... I have been playing v-ball for 3, maybe 4 years, and i love it!!! want to know which team i would probably make. I have an overhand serve (kickin') A pretty good spike, and volley, and a decent set??? Help?!?!?!?!




  1. as long as you move for everything and are obviously trying as hard as you can then you will be more likely to get on varsity. thats a big thing coaches are looking for.

  2. I have that exact same question!!! Based on how long you've played and if you were a key player on the team i would use that to make a decison which to tryout for. Plus if your a freshman and you make varsity or even a sophmore depending on your school senoirs and juniors will probably get a lot more playing time so if you want to probably be one of the best handsdown and you want alot of playing time i would suggest that you play j.v. bu i don't know how good you are so you might be better than the senoirs and juniors if you feel that you can keep up with the pace of a varsity sport than you should probably tryout for it.

  3. Well i'm not sure how old you are, but if you're about to be a freshmen, depending on the size of your school, you're probably still going to be on JV, but there's always that chance you'll make it on varsity so just keep practicing.

  4. Depends on your age. R u a freshmen, softmore, or jr?

  5. what grade are you going into? how many spots are open on varsity? How big is your school? There are a lot of factor that go into who makes what team. No one on here will be able to say which team you will make unless they have seen you and everyone else trying out play.

    Work hard and try your best at tryouts!


  6. It depends on how good the rest of the girls are that are trying out.  It sounds like you are pretty good, but there is no way for me to know what team you would be on.

    Keep working at it!

    I love volleyball too!!!

  7. it depends on your schools level of competitiveness. you sound like you are pretty good. maybe you should keep practicing to keep up your skills until tryouts. you should contact the coach and ask what is required to make each one of the teams. good luck.

  8. well...we really can't tell you that because we really can't see you in action unless you have a game or something on youtube.  Well, it really depends.  If you know what you're doing, have a good attitude, and learn quickly, then you can make jv or even varsity.  I don't know if you are a freshman or if your school requires you to be on the freshman team as a freshman, then you can make it.  Hope this helps.  Good Luck!

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