
Volleyball Lovers!!?

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Okay I need some help see my coach is a total nutcase and doesnt know how to play volleyball and our record is 1-8 and I want to win but we cant win because of our coach!! ANY ADVICE!!




  1. haha the same thing happened to me in eighth grade.  It's not all your coaches fault.  Part of it, but not all of it.  Your teamates are also to blame for the record.  Try to encourage your team to practice hard and take in as much from practices as you can. Remember than not every season can be a winning season.  Good luck and hang in there!

  2. ok last year my team had a stupid coach who didnt know how to play and just made us serve the whole time so here is my advice to get you through the season.

    1. have people who know how to play (good) set up drills that they know to help improve skills (serving drills, passing drills, hitting drills, and games that have to do with volleyball)

    2. focus on good passing have everyone get a partner and do have one partner toss and the other bump it then the tosser catches it, do this 10 times then switch. always do this at the beginning of each practice and passing will improve.

    3. only have people who can set, set when working on setting assign people who can set well to be the setters if someone is carrying when the set make sure the coach tells them not to set and just to focus on bumping.

    4. tell the coach to let someone teach the 4 step approach to a hit if someone has not already done so this is important and you will find some people can really help with their hitting skills.

    5.dont get in over your heads dont try to learn a complicated  rotation, dont add a libaro, and dont try blocking or transitions only do what the team is ready for

    6. dont let one person take control for the coach if the coach puts 1 person in charge always the whole team will get annoyed so make sure if the coach is getting help coaching from the team that it is a group of girls and it changes who is doing it often

    7. ask the coach to schedule team meetings where girls talk about the problems they might be having with the team and discuss strategy and teamwork

    8. never give up if you are loosing take it one point at a time  make sure no one is paying attention to the overall score but they are thinking we are gonna in this point just this one point then win it once the next point comes think it again

    9. make sure no one is afraid to speak up to the coach when they are teaching things wrong you may loose because something your coach tells you is incorrect

    10. MAKE PRACTICE FUN try your hardest to have fun work hard and gain the team work nessisary  

    - if you need anymore help just ask i have some more thoughts so just say something and i will answer

  3. get a new coach...

    Or... ask some friends from different schools to teach you, so you can teach your team

    *when serving aim for the middle*
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