
Volleyball Middle Blocker/Hitter?

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Okay so im a high school v-ball player and i really want to make it in varsity for this coming year..but i was the outside hitter last year but this year one of the last years middle hitters from varsity is now gonna get the open positon for outside ..therefore my question is exactly where do you stand when your a middle hitter? Because every time i play that position i run into the setter or i get in the way of the libero..




  1. well the middle always stays in the middle at the net.  when in serve recieve you usually(depending on your coach) stand in the middle (normaly at the net). when blocking you block all hitters.  talk to someone you know who plays middle and ask them to help you.  but middles saty in the middle.

  2. the middel generally stands in the middle but follows the ball and blocks outside accordinely along with the outsides. u slid along the net and just follow the ball and jump to block when someone spikes it. ur base is at the center of the net. ur attack "starting line" however is about at the 10 ft line in the center of the court but u can move slightly

  3. Middle Blocker should play middle front :).

    When in defense, you should be at the net, sliding left or right to form double-block with your OH or setter. The OH or setter should set up the block, and you simply "join" the effort without bouncing anyone off the block. If you run into the setter, either your setter is playing out of position, or you are a little too aggressive (I am sure you won't take any second hit unless the setter called for help).

    After the block, you step one step back and go up for quick hit. If the ball comes over "Free", you should back paddle to the 10-ft line, and be ready to pass. Your libero should be somewhere behind you, but should not be at the 10-ft line for a free ball.

    Unless it is a free ball and you are 95% sure you can take it, call "you you" and let the libero take any hard hit, so that you can have enough time going up for offense. You will need to coordinate with your libero to make it work.

    The bottom line is, you will have more than enough to keep yourself busy, so don't try to cover everything. Let your teammates share your workload, and you will be fine.

  4. When I was a freshmen in high school, I had the same problem. I didn't know where to be as a middle hitter. However, no one can really tell you where you have to stand, since every point you play in the game is different. It seems like you need more practice out on the court. The best suggestion is to attend some kind of volleyball camp during the summer. It really helps.

  5. stand straight in the middle of the court on a read middle, and go to either side to join your assisting blockers on outside/rightside reads. for a freeball you just go straight back to the ten foot line.

    i used to have the same problem- always open up with your right foot to get off the net so that you can see the position #2 (this is where your setter will be if you run a front row OR backrow setter.) make your steps short and quick. as for the libero, just make your "reads" (i.e. freeball, outside, etc...) quicker so the libero knows where your going as well as the rest of the team.

    hope this helps!

  6. i used to have that problem.... i assume you are getting in the way when your coming off the net for defense or freeballs. it is important to have good footwork and to always watch the pass, especially on the faster sets (1s, 31s, etc). It should take you two big steps to get off the net, and then turn quickly and make your approach. just practice it at an empty net a couple of times from both sides and it should become easier for you to call the ball and see who is getting set.

  7. You block in the middle and you approach from the ten foot-line so you wont be in the DS' way.You approach to were the setter will be just before the ball hits her hands, but about 1 1/2Ft to the left.The only time you don't approach is when she runs past you or the ball is out of her way

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