
Volleyball News: China crushes Iran in Euro Volley Challenge 2010

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Volleyball News: China crushes Iran in Euro Volley
Challenge 2010
The boys’ team from China contested Iran on the second day of Euro Volley Challenge 2010 at Innsbruck in Austria. The three-day event started on Saturday while ended on Monday with the suspense almost over for now as the final standings have been posted
on the charts. It surely was a fun-packed activity that ended on a good note.
Two matches were played on the second day in which Austria took on Puerto Rico and claimed victory, while China was challenged by Iran. Both of the latter contenders seemed to be in good form and thus aimed for a better status in the game. China, being the
World No. 10 volleyball team in male category, had earlier defeated the hosts, Austria, in their first match.
On the other hand, Iran seemed all pumped up as it brought in its best players to battle out the tough contender, China. But unfortunately, Iranian efforts went futile as they failed to penetrate the Chinese influence and in the end lost the match. China
claimed a 3-1 (25-27, 25-20, 25-23, and 25-17) victory over Iran.
First Set
Iran started out well in the first set and while progressing with fast pace, managed to steal some points but China also looked active in its strike. Both sides enjoyed the freshness and worked out some good shots. Iran’s Muhammad Kazem remained the centre
of attention as he turned many heads around for his brilliant and unstoppable spikes. The Iranian setter created perfect opportunities for both of his fellow spikers to hit the ball in right directions. The hard work was rewarded and Iran captured the first
set in the end.
Second Set
The first set slip made China feel much unpleasant. The Chinese coach instructed his team to overcome their flaws and make a come-back in the game. The upset Chinese team reacted strongly and attacked the Iranian side, finally bouncing back and gaining its
lost pride. It picked up lead over Iran and maintained the difference of points later on. China’s star player, Zhong, formed a good combination with Chen and they together devastated the Iranian defense line. The game turned against Iran and China won the
second set by a margin of 5 points (25-20).
Third Set
The second set victory restored China’s confidence and they now seemed to have finally found their feet in the game. China produced better serves and stayed focused on their back-court area which was targeted by Iranian spikers. Their team work provided
them an edge over Iran as the scoreboard experienced rapid changes in the third set. The Iranian team tried to get the right tone but China didn’t give them a chance to repeat their first-set results. China in the end surpassed Iran and secured the third set
victory also by 25-23.
Final Set
Victory in two consecutive sets filled the Chinese players with winning-spirit. They opened the fourth set with their powerful serves and striking aces. The court-cracking shots flabbergasted the opponents. Although, Iran tried to put-up a good fight but
China appeared too good for them. Ultimately, Iran started to look exhausted while the Chinese spikers further tightened their screws and pushed them behind. A few ball-reception errors from Iran’s defense also helped China to take the score to a winning stake. In
the end, China pulled off success in the fourth set also and declared match victory.



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