
Volleyball Players, how do you do the momentum roll?

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I'm a libero for my school team that went to state, and also play on a state volleyball team. I'm pretty good, but I want to step it up to the next level. I'm very fast and I know i could be more useful if I could do the momentum roll. Basically that somersault thing that professional players do to get up right away. I would really appreciate it if someone could either give me some instructions or point me out to an information souce that would help me.




  1. What your describing is a technique that used to be and still is popular in high school girls volleyball. I have seen teams spend days practing how to roll out of a dig. Some people love it, some people dislike. I tend to dislike it. Youre number one priority is to dig the ball as a libero or any position on defense. Not only do you want to touch it but you want to make a good enough dig that your team can run their offense. The key to making a good dig is your feet, your feet have to be in position to make the dig. Now this wont always be perfect but its the key. So if youre running through a ball so you have momentum to roll, you are taking away from making a quality dig. So instead of bashing that technique Im going to tell you how to play defense at a high level.

    For a hard driven ball to your left or right, make a huge lunge step in that direction, keeping your shoulders and feet towards the net.  you should be low to the ground, play the ball and then follow through to the side of your body. Landing on your hip/butt area. And then hop back up on your feet, there is no need to roll. By sticking in and going through to the ground in that manor, your dig will always be more acurate than rolling around on the ground. If you would like me to explain this technique to you in more detail I would love to. This is how the national team is taught, its called going through the ball.

  2. I agree completely with doug w comments.   The roll is out of favor any is actually slower.   I have worked with some of the girls of the University of Michigan volleyball team, and I know that their coaches discourage the use of the roll.   Their ideas are to do what ever it takes - don't worry about the technique - just GET TO THE BALL!!!!  Stay on your feet if at all possible.

  3. Diving and rolling is one of my favorite things to do on the court.  You have to be sliding across the floor pretty fast when you dive and roll up.

    Okay, if you dive headfirst and are sliding on your stomach, you should roll over on your back (you should still be sliding) and lift your legs up over your head.  The rest of your body will follow your legs, and you'll roll right over your head onto your feet.  If you're all ready on your back then you don't have to roll over at the beginning.  

    All of this is done really quickly and at first, it might take some time to get it down.  I know I used to get stuck on the back of my head because I didn't do it quickly enough.  But once you've got it figured out, you won't even think about it anymore.  It come very naturally once you've done it once or twice.

  4. Hey,    i'm not sure if i can answer that but this might help a bit if it doesn't sorry bout that :

      1.  Diving to hit the ball with the right hand - still falling down and to the right after contact - turn so that your shoulder blades touch the floor with your right arm extended.

      2. Tilt the head to the side you hit the ball (right) and kick your feet to the opposite side (left) and over your shoulder.

      3. Roll over left side shoulder and plant your feet on the floor

      4 .Push up with your hands to the standing position      

    I love volleyball if you have anymore questions bout volleyball just ask me      liz_35

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