
Volleyball Question. Need tips?

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I am going to try out for the volleyball team but I'm kind of new to the sport. Are there any tips anyone can tell. I really appreciate it.




  1. BE LOUD!!!! the only way you will get noticed is to call the ball loud and proud. also learn how to Back-set. Coachs look for people who can do that. Have a good overhand serve. Master all of that and you will make the team easy!


  3. 1. You need to know how to pass well. Keep your feet shoulder width apart with your right foot slightly forward. Use your legs to push the ball forward; don't swing your arms! Keeps your hips square to the target.

    2. You must also be able to set. Put your hands on your hips then bring them above your forehead. This should give you a good example of how your hands should be.

    3. To hit the ball, you have to master your approach. Left, right, left footwork if you are right handed and right, left, right if you are left handed. Take these steps while bringing your arm back then swinging both up. Use your left hand to sight the ball then swing with you right hand (this is for right handed).

    4. Blocking is also important. Stand about a foot away from the net bend you knees then jump up, penetrating your hands over the net as long as you can. Make sure you don;t hit the net though!

    5. An over hand serve can be difficult at first if you've never done it. It is kind of similar to hitting except there is no approach. Toss the ball up with your left hand (if you were to let it fall, it should fall in front of your right foot). Then, contact in the center of the ball with your right hand.

    These are some the the more important areas of volleyball in which you can work on before try outs! I hope this helps!

  4. use your legs its all in the legs while serving keep ur wrist stiff and swing through always keep your platform up thats alkl i really got sorry i got more but i cant really think right now

  5. well if u kind of new then u would want to practice as much as you can. b/c there are girls who have been doing it since like 4th grade. it depends on how many girls are trying out. it there are a lot then u might have as good a chance of making the team. every chance you get you would want to practice. we have open gyms all summer and there are some new ppl that are there and probly won't make it only b/c they are new and not as good as most ppl. so you should really try to get in as much practice. when u do an approach make sure to swing down when u hit the ball and it will be a way bettter hit. when you serve try to practice to take only a little step and try to serve in diff spots and not just in one spot.

    good luck on ur tryouts and hope this helped! :D

  6. I have been playing volleyball for 6 years. My family and I go to USC Women's volleyball games so I can see what they do. I also watch beach volleyball on t.v. even though I play in indoor volleyball. Since the Olympics are comming up you can watch volleyball on t.v. Misty-May Treanor& Keri Walsh from the U.S. are really great to watch.

    Watching others who are playing and know what they are doing helps you to see how to play and you can take mental notes of simple things they do.

    Good Luck!

  7. First , research  and learn all you  can  about the game.. The more  you already know  the better.. Learn serving techniques,

      and game rules, how  to score , and  defensive moves, etc...

    Practice,  get  use to hitting  the ball and returning it . You can do this   by hitting  a ball against  a wall, or  volleying back and forth  with a friend . Practice makes perfect..

    try outs will go fine  if you show  that you already  know  the basics  and are prepared.

    Then  in actual play...,Keep  your eyes  on the BALL not on your team mates. Be aware of where  they are  , but your main focus  should  be  the  ball and  how  you are going  to play  it.

      Do not be afraid  of  the ball, it will not hurt you if  it hits you... Also play YOUR position  and stay  in your part  of the court.. Don't try to be  the whole  team. Work  with  and  as a team.. Your coach  will help  you along.. Don't be afraid  to ask for help  and tips  from team mates  either. The  point is to make yourselves  into the best team

    Relax  and  have  fun..

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